Fucking burns me up man..

Out of context: Reply #16

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  • TheBlueOne0

    dont let him get to you. he's a nobody.
    (Apr 23 07, 03:38)

    You're absolutely right man, and my friend has given me the exact same advice.

    Like I said this guy has copied everything I have done for years now. I started a web mag and his site there started out as a "web magazine" back about five years ago and he ripped off my copy at the time...then when that didn't work out for him, cause obviously he has zero creative talent and vision, he changes it to a shop when I started a shop. It's been going on for years and I've had words with him via email before.

    I guess I'm just pissed that the fucker sends me an email asking for the shit after he lost it again, albeit from a different email. And I fucking send it to him being a nice guy.

    You know, this is a pretty small community I deal with with this martial art, especially online - everyone knows everyone. It's not a reputation thing, or even that he took my stuff - it's just that he's so fucking blatant about it. You know, alot of people in this stuff devote a lot of time making tshirts to support events and workshops, put together shows, etc. (capoeira is the punk rock of martial arts in that way) and I gave that dingbat font away for people to use for exactly those purposes - fundraising in events. That was EXTREMELY clear in the original license when I released it, and this fuck just goes ahead and uses it commercially without even contacting me.

    I've received alot of good will over the years for doing that, even got sent pics of people using the font in promotional flyers and posters and shit and it has made me really happy..and this shit just burns me I guess.

    I guess it's a good thing that it pisses me off, otherwise I'd already be a crusty cynical bastard. Live and learn.

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