Web 2.0 Dbase System??

Out of context: Reply #10

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  • flavorful0

    Well my usual answer to these things is make your own, but as far as you being concise and direct I imagine I have to check your profile to see if English is your first language.

    By definition Web 2.0 is just that ... web. The back end has not shifted in any such fashion for the most part, it is simply how it is presented.

    Creating a database that holds a Blog, Forum, Picture Gallery?

    That is nothing new in the least. Sorry if you thought I was giving you jabs earlier, I simply could not fathom where you were coming from.

    Get some more buzz words for your next thread, perhaps that will go better.

    And yes, I do not know any off-the-shelf solutions, I guess because I am uppity and do create databases for a living, but I am sure if you use Google (http://www.google.com/), you will certainly find a few options that you will create more threads here about, having no idea how to utilize them as opposed to asking questions in their forums and expect non-condescending responses.

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