ASP help

Out of context: Reply #7

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  • stewart0

    it's about deleting a user input.

    in the script i can read this:

    'Uncomment these lines if you want to add the ability to
    'delete messages. Make sure you set a value for abAdminPwd (see aspBoardData.asp):

    If Request.QueryString("delId")"" And Request.QueryString("pwd") = abAdminPwd Then
    strSql = "DELETE * FROM msgDetail WHERE msgId = " & Request.QueryString("delId")
    Call adoConn.Execute(strSql)
    Response.Redirect "aspBoard.asp"
    End If

    i uncommend the lines, i know the value for abAdminPwd... but i don't know how to reach the part of the site where you can delete the messages.

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