Protest at D.C.

Out of context: Reply #9

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  • lemmys_wart0

    uhh... every time i seem to switch over to fox... they're talking about it...

    ... and Jane Fonda... ego aside?

    It's her ego that brings her out to these occasions.
    (Jan 28 07, 10:27)

    no shit sherlock.

    righties love janda fonda because she's the perfect target for emotionaly based personal attacks.

    never mind the glaring failures of our war on terror...

    (and wtf at fighting a war against an abstract noun, why don't we bomb jealousy while we're at it?)

    jane fondas world view seems as skewed as rush limbaughs.



    black and white.

    ...and notice how he uses her views to justify his?

    how convenient.

    anyway, bitch needs to stfu.

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