"To Protect and Serve"?

Out of context: Reply #117

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  • paraselene0

    nah, kelpie, it's only legal for people I think are pompous twats to get a shoein', don't worry, i won't sic the cops on you, i like you.

    i dunno. i'm with chossy. i can see both sides of it. when they make it out like he's just a visiting academic for a conference who was attacked by a swat team for crossing the road, then yeah, it sounds pretty shitty.

    but, he's basically like me. i'm here at her majesty's fucking leisure, and while i may not follow british rule to the letter, i know the consequences if i don't.

    if you're worried enough about your visa to go whimpering to a judge that you don't want any marks on your record, you should probably not lip off to cops in the street, even if those cops happen to be on a power trip.

    i certainly wouldn't.

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