Blair - Immigration

Out of context: Reply #45

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  • Crouwel0

    our government, already under resignation, may have to resign while under resignation. yes, you read it. reignation during a resignation process, all because of this Nazi:…

    "During the December 12 session a motion was started by the PvdA that asked Verdonk again not to take any action on extraditions until the new cabinet was formed. This motion was again supported by all the left wing and centre-left parties. The coalition of those parties passed the motion 76-72 in the ensuing vote. Verdonk, however, claimed this motion amounted to a de facto pardon and affirmed her stance that any pardon was unenforcable. She also declared that the extraditions would continue after the debate was over, so before the cabinet could make an official statement the next day. Verdonk also refused to postpone those extraditions for another 24 hours until a new debate could take place the next day. As a reaction the whole parliament asked for an official statement from the cabinet that same evening[13]. Following an additional debate, during Prime Minister Balkenende again declared that Verdonk had the full support of the cabinet, a motion of distrust (similar to a motion of no confidence, but not as severe in Dutch politics) was accepted by the same coalition of left-wing parties. Before the vote took place Mark Rutte declared that should Verdonk resign, all VVD ministers would join her. [14] [15]."

    This may lead to a situation in which the Queen (for the first time), may get solitary power, which would be rather interesting.

    Immigration is an issue here that divides the government and the population.

    But yes, i see the point, we are a small country so it does not matter eh?

    Just beware that shit that goes down here, will geneally go down in Europe later as well.

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