N. Korea's gotta nuke

Out of context: Reply #129

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  • k0na_an0k0

    milan, did you consider the first link that started this thread a 'news source?'

    i sure hope so cause this came from there.


    "...it would not be intimidated by a reported threat from Pyongyang that it could fire a nuclear-tipped missile unless the U.S. acts to resolve the standoff.

    "This is the way North Korea typically negotiates by threat and intimidation," said U.S. Ambassador John Bolton. "It's worked for them before. It won't work for them now."

    I'm hoping that's enough to put in your pipe for a good smoke.

    If that's not a 'news source' either though please let me know what you do consider a 'news source' so i can grab a link from there too.

    mmm k?

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