Naming a company

Out of context: Reply #15

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  • Nairn0

    Hardest. Thing. Ever.

    I was always 'good' at English and moderately creative otherwise, but I'm fucking awful at choosing company names - my only piece of advice - 'make sure it's easily spellable, especially over a phone'.

    Obvious, I know - but there's nothing more soul destroying than having to spell out your company name 5 - 10 times a day. So try and avoid human names and anything phonetically fuzzy.

    Don't forget - you've always got the branding and design to jazz up the identity in support!

    If in doubt - do the old web 0.5 thing and merge a tertiary colour name with an endangered animal - that fashion's surely due a return?

    (ps. Dancer, My old man liked your site - I may have to copy yours... :)

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