Bad Branding

Out of context: Reply #9

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  • moth0

    What the fuck is this bullshit soya huh? Every coffee shop runt wants to put it my coffee, my girlfriend wants to put it in my tea (fucking blasphemy) and now they're sticking it in juice. What the fuck is wrong milk, I hark? It's fucking bad for me apparently. The (maybe) 150ml I put in tea a day is BAD for me? It's fattening and I should buy fucking skimmed milk? I could understand if I lived off the stuff, took baths in it, curdled it and ate it, brushed my teeth with it, but I only put the shit in tea!

    Will it kill me?

    Did I miss the health scare?

    God damn.

    Somehow I think Sex in the City is to blame for all this healthy hysterical hideousness.

    *drinks milk

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