< Galloway / Sky News

Out of context: Reply #87

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  • KuzII0

    the UN still considered an independent source?


    at the bottom it discusses ongoing cross-border incursions between Israel and Lebanon:

    "Also, throughout most of the reporting period (from 17 January 2002 to 12 July 2002), unjustified Israeli incursions into sovereign Lebanese airspace continued on an almost daily basis, often penetrating deep into Lebanon. Those events have “underscored the fragility of the situation and demonstrated how readily tensions can escalate”.

    “Violations of the Blue Line, whether they entail a physical crossing of the line or skirting it, cannot be justified”, the Secretary-General states. The Government of Lebanon, however, continued to maintain the position that, as long as there was no comprehensive peace with Israel, the Lebanese armed forces would not be deployed along the Blue Line. In that vacuum, Hezbollah maintained its visible presence near the line through its network of mobile and fixed positions, also continuing to extend social, medical and educational services to the local population in areas near the Blue Line."

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