< Galloway / Sky News

Out of context: Reply #74

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  • Cactus0

    I honestly don't know the full picture of what life is like for Israeli Arabs but most problems they have with living within Israel seem to be security related and sympathy with the plight of their fellow arabs living in the occupied territories:

    Why do so many volunteer to join the Israeli army? And vote to stay in Israel rather than join a future Palestinian state? Seems rather weird if they are living in conditions allegedly analogous to South Africa during the apartheid years.

    That doesn't there aren't ethnic tensions. There is a war going on. But at least they free to speak their minds within Israel.


    To voice similar concerns from the opposite side in an Arab country of the Palestinian Territories would get you killed.

    That said there is almost certainly ill feeling between the two communities particularly over the "right of return" and, in general, the overall radicalization of muslims worldwide.

    Here is a "jewish" article that predates 9/11 and the "so-called" War on Terror.


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