< Galloway / Sky News

Out of context: Reply #65

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  • Cactus0

    "There's no debate."

    That one is a classic. Gotta love kuz.

    Hmm...didn't know Honest Reporting is an Israeli/Jewish site. But how does that affect the accuracy of the their content? You don't address any of the facts they presented. Memri TV is also accused of being an Israeli propaganda site but I've never heard of any of their translations being disproved.

    You used the Independent as a source. I don't consider them as objective but I would consider their content on a fact by fact basis. Reuters, a supposedly prestigous news gathering service, has just been caught out using doctored images by Arab stringers. It is imperative that you are able to "read between the lines" to form an objective, informed opinion. Otherwise, you are just filling the ether with the fog of obfuscation. This usually means reading not merely journalism but widely of the historical background of the conflict

    If I have the time, I will try to ferret out some info on Israel's alleged discrimination.

    But, I have a question for you: Why does Israel's social policies disturb your mind so much more so than it's neighbors' blatant and well-documented history? Are they not to be held to the same standards as Israel?


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