Global warming...

Out of context: Reply #152

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  • PonyBoy0

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    mimio... i'm SUPER INTERESTED... you'd be suprised what people are 'interested in' if stop attacking them for what they believe. :)

    I'm arguing my thoughts on the arrogance of assuming 'fact' in science study... (not that I've really been discussing this: but to then go so far as to make a movie about and use it as your political platform..)

    And the data you're referring to is geological I presume?

    I LOVE THIS STUFF... :) I'm a science-freak, dude...

    ... granted I'm more into physics (motion, energy... how things add up logically)... but, yikes duder... I'm just attacking this 'politically'...

    ... I love science... as much as I love art and design - it's just... not... fact. Science is 'the study of'...

    ... our knowledge changes SO MUCH from decade to decade - just as our technology does.

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