Barry Bonds

Out of context: Reply #14

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  • todelete__20

    1 side of the coin:
    His career started in 1983. Any guy in the gym, who puts in maybe 4-5 days a week and can spend about $150 bucks a month can put on about 10lbs of lean muscle a year. Now, Bonds who is a multimillionair, has the top trainers and equipment at his fingertips and any supplement he wants can easily put on 10 a year. Easy. Just say from '83 - '03 at 10lbs a year that's 200lbs. Impossible but you get my point. Only from 97' - 05' did I see a big gain. That being said he may have worked harder and in 8 years could have put on 80lbs of lean muscle mass. Possible.

    Other side of the coin:
    The steroids they say he uses are all the norm with bodybuilders. It's not necessarily the strength he got from the steroids but more the feeling you get when you're on them. (So I've heard). You quite literally feel invincible... and are extremely testy. Take for example his fight with his own player in his own dugout. Case in point. You have a super short fuse. And like the legal stuff, the illegal stuff is at his fingertips as well, and money for it is not an issue.

    That being said though, I just can't believe anyone who is anyone famous would willingly buy and use steroids from anyone. Even the people they trust.

    Some of you know I have a few close friends who play for the sox, I've heard they talk of using this or that before they play for a boost, but it's all natural stuff that even I can get over the counter. They too were like 'We really can't just walk up to a guy and say we want steroids, even anyone we know because they will know... and eventually they'll get caught and somewhere they have a list with your name on it.'

    I'm really up in the air if Bonds did in fact take them or not. If he did it pisses me off cause he has the money, trainers, natural supplements, and equipment to do it all legally and it chaps my ass he took the easy way out.

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