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Out of context: Reply #3

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  • exador10

    its a ploy...thats all....and the sad thing is that it works on the youngns...hell it worked on me when i was in my early 20's and just out of school.....its got everything to do with taking advantage of young designers that are nervous and haven't yet cut there teeth in the real world....its a crappy ass tactic that undermines their confidence in themselves and makes them feel like they have no real worth.....

    and it's true that if you tried that shit on a carpenter or any other kind of tradesman, they'd laugh at you....possibly right before they fed you your teeth.

    but unfortunatly for us, this business has built into it a layer of absolute tossers that seem to thrive on fucking over young designers....

    i suppose its kind of a badge of honour now, or a rite of passage to get used/overworked/treated like a gally slave while you're young, before you finally find a decent place to work where you're respected...

    lord knows i went through it...i'd be surprised if there were even ONE person on this board that didn't have a story to tell about working for free or getting fucked over...

    sorry...kinda got on a rant there...

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