Seinfeld Quotes

Out of context: Reply #26

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  • canuck0

    Kramer working at Leland.


    "Well, you know what they say, you don't sell the steak, you sell the sizzle."


    "But I finally realized what's missing, in my life. Structure. An' at Brand/Leland, I'm gettin' things done. An' I love the people I'm workin' with."


    You know, takin' care o' business."


    [leaving] I'll see you tonight, huh? [turning back, grabs his briefcase] Forget my briefcase.

    W-w-wha' you got in there?

    [as he leaves with it] Crackers.

    "Yeah. Well, count me out. I'm swimmin'. Old man Leland is bustin' my hump over these reports. If I don't get 'em done by nine, I'm toast.. [{takes a swig and reacts}]"


    "What did you want to see me about, Mr. Leland?"

    Kramer, I've.. been reviewing your work.. Quite frankly, it stinks.

    Well, I ah.. been havin' trouble at home and uh.. I mean, ah, you know, I'll work harder, nights, weekends, whatever it takes..

    No, no, I don't think that's going to, do it, uh. These reports you handed in. It's almost as if you have no business training at all.. I don't know what this is supposed to be!

    Well, I'm uh, just--tryin' to get ahead..

    Well, I'm sorry. There's just no way that we could keep you on.

    I don't even really work here!

    That's what makes this so difficult.

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