
Out of context: Reply #56

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  • enobrev0

    it seems like everyone forgot the guy was out there putting out how to rob about a year and a half ago. Everybody thought he was a little shithead who was going nowhere.

    I give fifty an obscene amount of dap for what he's putting out. One record with Shady/Aftermath and his reputation has grown a million fold. The best business decision anyone could make.

    To bust on him is like saying that web design is all for the art and love of it. Bullshit.

    Hip hop started off the radio and continues off the radio. There's no difference now from "then". Pop music runs the media. Why are you surprised.

    Besides all these "underground" cats have horrible beats and terrible attempts at "artisitc" rhyme schemes. You dis Em, but he'll fade 90% of the cats out there off the top.

    And atmosphere fell off when he got dumped by his giirl and cried about it for 2 albums.

    Wake up you old fuckers, hip hop is changing and you're just getting old. Matter of fact, go back and bump your old Public Enemy and Beastie Boys.

    To deny that 50's tracks and business meneuvers are hot is inevitable old age creeping up on you.

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