
  • pufeta

    Action script /asp form problem

    I have a client that made their own form in flash- here is the code:


    //set tab order.

    Nov 9, 076 replies
  • pufeta

    XML for Safar

    trying to find a good online source to understand the HTML code in order to view xml in safari.. any good sources?

    Jul 21, 071 replies
  • pufeta

    action script help

    hi all,
    we are trying to figure out why this CLOSE BUTTON does not work on a demo we are creating. This is supposed to be a pop-u…

    Jan 30, 076 replies
  • pufeta

    Code HELP!!!!!

    This site was designed buy my client and all i had to do was do the coding. Here is the original site:

    Jul 28, 0620 replies
  • pufeta

    acrobat pdf

    hi there!
    i was asked if this is possible and I am not sure.. but when making an email link in a pdf file.. can you also have a c…

    Jun 21, 055 replies
  • pufeta


    so we are all working on new macs osx - all new stuff but no one in the office can do export to pdf in quark 6.. but if we …

    Jun 1, 050 replies
  • pufeta

    Indesign Help

    I have indesign for the MAC - CS and I have made a paragraph rule.... it works fine but when I try to make it on a PC it won't wor…

    May 27, 051 replies
  • pufeta

    Photos needed

    Hi all,
    I am doing some research for a book and I need some photos of these towns:

    Washington, DC
    Atlantic City, NJ

    Mar 3, 053 replies
  • pufeta


    Hi All.
    I am assisting a Terrific author and doing research for him for his new book, scheduled to be published in 2006, called C…

    Feb 17, 0521 replies
  • pufeta

    PHP/SQL question

    I am trying to put up a guest book for a client and I am not very familiar with PHP/SQL.

    I have PHP and MySQL up and running…

    Jan 20, 058 replies
  • pufeta


    has anyone ever heard of bircham international university? it's for distant learning.. take classes at home.. I wanted to do this …

    Jan 18, 052 replies
  • pufeta

    book designs

    I need to design a book cover. Something different .. any places where I can get some ideas.. for any style book covers for short …

    Jan 13, 051 replies
  • pufeta


    I have put a quicktime video on a web site that I am working on. The client says that the progression bar is not showing and all h…

    Jan 10, 0513 replies
  • pufeta

    buying a design company

    i need some advice. a friend of mine wants me to go into busines with her and buy a design/print company. But i am a bit afraid. h…

    Jul 19, 0412 replies
  • pufeta

    Stolen Art Work

    I need some advice that I think each one of you can help me with.

    Six months ago I freelanced for this guy. I worked on several…

    Jun 15, 0416 replies
  • pufeta

    Quark Xpress 6 Demo

    I am having a major problem with my bosses at work and I need some expert advice.

    I am working on a MAC, OS10.2 and my boss is …

    Apr 28, 0415 replies
  • pufeta

    color separations

    I am having a confusing morning. I recently designed a logo (4 color) and when it was completed and approved the client needed it …

    Mar 31, 044 replies
  • pufeta

    Logo disaster

    I am working on a logo that has confused me to all ends...

    The client wanted a futuristic... logo ..first they wanted it round …

    Feb 27, 0422 replies
  • pufeta

    To Learn--> 3d or Video?

    As a graphic designer, I want to learn a new skill... I wanted to know if I should learn 3d or video editing.

    Which one would b…

    Feb 2, 0418 replies