- nylon
New monitor help
Im thinking about getting a monitor for home for my laptop if that makes sense.
Im thinking about getting the apple one but the…
- nylon
Conference Call
I need to set one up...
Does anyone know a good service to use?
- nylon
Good carousel examples
on websites?
- nylon
Thinking about a rebrand...
and taking all the work down and just using client logos on black.
I feel at the moment the poncier your website is the more li…
- nylon
Your girlfriend/wife...
When you go out with your friends for beers... How many does she 'thinks' you have whilst you and your pals are shooting the shit…
- nylon
NYC Freelance Question
What recruitment firms come recommended?
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Apple Might Mouse Help
Is there a apple products stock library so to speak?
I need a birds eye view of a wireless apple 'mighty mouse' that…
- nylon
Adobe Acrobat Help
How do i get rid of the grey bar in full screen mode?
Sure its easy enough
- nylon
Who thinks they could...
build this?…
Email me please
- nylon
You owe me money question
I am really keen to see if there is a difference in UK and US answers.
Question A:
We agree to go to a concert in 4 weeks time…
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Good design books?
I am looking for some new additions to my library...
What would you recommend for UI, UX and Brand Archtecture
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Age Discrimination
I need to do an illustration to represent age discrimination using stick men...
Any thoughts?
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Football/Soccer Guidelines
Does anybody have any they'd like to share?
Would be great to see some new examples...
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US paper suppliers
So in the UK we would use companies like:
GF Smith
Robert Horne...Can you recommend US based paper s…
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NY Printers
Guys and Gals
Can you recommend any good stationery and brochure printers in the area...
Many thanks
- nylon
My slow MPB
My MBP is from 2009 and a pretty sturdy machine.
That said it is slow as fuck...
I upgraded to 10.7 ages ago from the app st…
- nylon
UK v US Terminology
So I want to tell my US client that I want to do some quick scamps to show them what we are thinking...
The reason for this is …
- nylon
Ani gifs in PDF?
Can you put an animated gif into a PDF so the client can see the various frames of is it just a static?