
  • cndtn



    What's your email? I emailed you through your profile a couple times not sure if that's the right address or not?

    Mar 8, 0612 replies
  • cndtn

    Font Licensing

    Anyone have any advice for hooking up Fonts through a Licensor

    There's alot of foundries out there but I imagine some have bett…

    Mar 1, 063 replies
  • cndtn

    Type Ques

    Since opentype works cross platform is it necessary to test an opentype font that works in OSX on a PC or is it assumed that since…

    Feb 2, 064 replies
  • cndtn

    Flash Ques.

    If I have this code here:

    on (release) {
    _root.P2._visible = 0;

    How do you add more movie clip names, like how are they…

    Jan 31, 063 replies
  • cndtn

    Build B-FUQ/01

    Anyone out there have a copy of this font or know where to get it. I've tried contacting Build would like to try it for a current …

    Jan 5, 0624 replies
  • cndtn

    POP UP CODE !!!

    Anyone know how to make a text link or image link that pops up more than one window, like multiple small windows off of one link…

    Dec 14, 058 replies
  • cndtn


    Hey anyone have the user manual or know where to download a user guide for Fontographer?

    Program is complex...

    Aug 28, 041 replies
  • cndtn



    You Suckaz ...

    Jun 1, 04210 replies
  • cndtn

    Horizontal Scroll


    How do you get rid of the horizontal scroll on a news textbox and just keep the vertical text scroll ???

    wtf ???


    May 23, 045 replies
  • cndtn

    Logic Pro Mac

    Anyone use this program out there? Anyone I could talk into doing a trade for this program?


    May 19, 0417 replies
  • cndtn


    anyone know of the font used by the brand 'Always', 'Stayfree' the womens hygiene products???

    Mar 29, 044 replies
  • cndtn


    anyone out there know how to correct this line of code? the status bar function and pop up function works but in the process i los…

    Apr 9, 035 replies