
  • bca

    Forum boost + Beta testing

    Since you guys are the best forum people in the world, could you please boost the forum with topics and tell me if you find weird …

    Jan 5, 084 replies
  • bca

    painting is f***** dead

    im a graphic designer that also paint but it seems to me that its hard for designers to understand that i want to do both... eith…

    Jan 1, 0326 replies
  • bca

    BIG CHUNKS or...

    when watching pictures at a internet gallery for example, do you want to download all of them at once or one at time?

    where's t…

    Jan 23, 031 replies
  • bca

    need some SPAM!

    i just updated my portfolio and for fun i added a spam submission function, be my friend and add one spam subject or 2... if you h…

    Feb 9, 030 replies
  • bca

    KPT vector effects

    it seems like KPT vector effects doesnt work in MacOsX, are there any alternatives that someone knows of.

    Feb 28, 0312 replies
  • bca


    Im testing this site from different locations.
    Does it work from where you are?
    What browser and computer are you using?


    Jun 15, 0521 replies
  • bca

    Sell open source flash file

    I have done som flash work for a client and now the client wants the open source code, the open source was not included in the fir…

    Jan 21, 0521 replies