Freelance W4 forms

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  • joseprieto

    Hey Guys. It's been a while. Sorry about that.

    I have a question.

    Ive been freelancing for years now. Ive been filling W4 forms at every job I go.

    So if I work at 3 or 4 different agencies a year. Should I put 1 or 2 allowances on the W4 form for each job? Or just on 1 form and then 0 on the rest?

    I have a tax guy that I go to at the beginning of each year and Im always happy with the results. But Im wondering if each W4 form are different from each other?

    Also Ive been getting something like 50% taking away from each paycheck. I wonder if it has to do with the number of W4 forms filled.

    Thanks in advance.


  • ********

    How is the design of the W4 form?