Take The Job?

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  • 23 Responses
  • e-wo0

    Post-script: the owner offered to make this job available to me on a part-time basis, which is closer to the amount of time I currently spend designing.

    But with 40+ clients, perhaps 15% of which needing active maintenance or new projects, I'm concerned that part-time isn't realistic, and that I'll be seeing work emails every hour of every day.

  • pr20

    You answered your questions: you want time for your music.

  • e-wo0

    After re-reading Jason Fried's "Rework" book last night, my gut wants to invest the energy not into fitting into a possibly-outdated operation, but building my own niche market.

  • e-wo

    I've been offered a position at a local design office with a decent stockade of recent clients. It's a 2-man team:

    Guy One — branding and sales (owner)
    Guy Two — web projects (I'd be replacing this guy)

    The business model is a little old school. Full-service, the appearance of "international" offices, some unnecessary overhead for what is essentially a 2-man operation.

    What I stand to gain:
    — access to a bunch of already-on-board clients who need maintenance and new projects
    — infrastructure and help landing bigger clients
    — $$$

    What I stand to lose:
    — autonomy of choosing when, where, and what I work on (there will be work quotas)
    — the weight of a partner's expectations (sometimes outdated)
    — a shit-ton more communication to pay attention to (stress)

    I'm currently freelancing happily, if not always profitably. I love design, but I'd rather be making music, which is why I like limiting the time I spend tied to my desk.

    What would you do?