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- 16 Responses
- CincodeMayo
Got Time Warner sucks and it's pricey. Any of you have DirecTV? Seems to be a better deal? Do they offer internet now?
- monospaced0
I want to switch to them also, but they seem to require a fuckin' 2-year contract. Most of the other places don't.
- I once had FiOS (not the DirecTV bundle) from Verizon, and it was the best setupmonospaced
- JG_LB0
fuck all that man, just do free tv online
- whatthefunk0
Hands down Verizon Fios is the best for cable tv and internet/wireless. I know it's not available everywhere but the service is so reliable, it's so fast, and I have 2 wired computers, a ipad on wifi, and 2 mobile devices that use wifi when we're home and we never have a problem. The built in DVR functions and the fact that most shows are automatically archived so you can watch later is a real value.
I've had TW, Comcast, and Cablevision and I will never go back. Never messed with DTV though so idk.
- CincodeMayo0
No luck with FIOS in my area. I wish.
TWC's prices changes monthly...never know what my bill is going to be. And now with the lack of CBS/Showtime it's even worse.
DirecTV is tossing in their NFL package and their HD Genie box but I have no idea how they handle internet and what the price jumps to after the initial deal expires. Anyone deal with them recently?
- ArmandoEstrada0
DirecTv is great if you want good looking HD. Unlike cable companies, when they add more HD channels they fire up some satellites so they can deliver more channels. Cable companies compress the hell out of an image to get more HD channels through their pipes. TW is SHIT, it looks like im watching a youtube video. So is ATT. Cant speak for FIOS.
With DirectTV, you have to have a two year contract, which sucks. The first year youre paying very little, I think I was paying something like $50 month for a mid-tier package. But once your first year is up, they charge you 'normal' fees, in my case, it went up to $120 a month. After your contract is up you can call them to re-negotiate a lower bill.
- boobs0
I switched from Comcast cable to Uverse whatever-the-fuck-it-is a few months ago. Cheaper, and it looks great.
- CincodeMayo0
@ArmandoEstrada - $120 is still cheaper than I'm paying with TWC and you get better quality and technology. What do you do for internet - is it through DirecTV or someone else?
- lemmy_k1
I have internet through Time Warner, and use online or antenna for everything else. Antenna picture is WAY better than my cable was.
- ArmandoEstrada0
I have internet through TW :) If u added up my bill was about $120 for DTV and about $60 for Interwebs. I called DTV and got them to lower bill to $60, so I was paying $120. I turned off DTV for a bit...
Internet is where cable shines, was faster than ATT crap. (I am excluding FIOS and Fiber optics).
- $60 TW internet and $60 DTV, $120 total.ArmandoEstrada
- Not bad at all. May finally bite the bullet.CincodeMayo
- BTW i have no premium channels (HBO, Show, ETC).ArmandoEstrada
- ArmandoEstrada0
If you know someone with DTV get their email address, both of you will get $10 off every month for a year.
- ArmandoEstrada0
I see you live in LA, we live probably 5 miles form each other. too funny.
- Ha, awesome. Yah, probably. You're in Burbank? I'm in NoHo. Probably 3 miles!CincodeMayo
- Noho. Near Red Line. Office in Burbank 1.5 miles from home.ArmandoEstrada
- Ha, awesome. Small world.CincodeMayo
- JG_LB0
la drinks?
- ArmandoEstrada0
Im down for water, I dont drink :)
- CincodeMayo0
Started this thread 2 years ago. Ended up sticking with Time Warner but thinking it's about time for a change. Plus the NFL package is free.
If you're not a cord cutter, which company do you use? Good experiences with DIRECTV? How's that Genie DVR?
- ArmandoEstrada0
Stick with TW, LA speeds were upgraded to 100/200/300. Cant get those speeds with another provider. Kill cable, get AppleTV or Roku or whatever floats your boat.
As far as pricing, my bill just went up too. They told me to call August 18th for new promotion and they will change it over.
I promise I'm not a TWC fan or employee, just saying....
- ArmandoEstrada0
I think we covered this before but we are like 10 minutes away from each other...