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- 67 Responses
- TheBlueOne0
The backroom or downstairs?
- tkmeister0
looks like it's going to be many old timers small gathering with a few noobs.
- edd-e0
we may have a special nt guest show up tonight too
- overeasy0
Nice meeting you folks lats night.
- shouldbeworking0
what's up with having it on edd-e's roof next time :)
- edd-e0
hi overeasy!!
- CyBrain0
I would go. It's at my subway stop, but I don't know what any of you guys look like and I didn't bring my CyBrainX t-shirt today.
if i was in new york i would go and look for a bunch of only guys with their little laptop bags and some sorta hat and glasses
- robotron3k0
what's crackalakin'?
- edd-e0
fireplace is back room.
i never worked for marc...
- grunttt0
is overeasy someone we know by chance?
- edd-e0
I would go. It's at my subway stop, but I don't know what any of you guys look like and I didn't bring my CyBrainX t-shirt today.
(Jan 10 07, 11:40)knowing is half the battle...
- edd-e0
ok kids im out, see you tonight!!
- CyBrain0
I see you have spectacles, but are smooth on the head.
I can go for a quick one.
- overeasy0
Hi edd-e, robotron. Just got all set up in my new office. Nice.
And Dinky, if you are reading this, thanks for the print. It will be the first thing up on my new wall.
And hello NT. I've heard a lot about you.
- MLP0
i have all nights open next week so we can publicly roast jevad.
lakeside has $2 beast cans and a photo booth, but you guys might have better suggestions.
- MLP0
i can't wait for dinky's hand job
- CyBrain0
if i was in new york i would go and look for a bunch of only guys with their little laptop bags and some sorta hat and glasses
(Jan 10 07, 14:37)------------------------------
Sound like my plan in about 20 minutes.
- tkmeister0
it was nice seeing/meeting you all.
a good way to start NT NYC 2007.
- TheBlueOne0
I'll make it next time...I ended up having to work late...
Sucks...sounds like a good time had by all..