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firewire 800 drives
Whos got one, what kind, and suggestions.
Im using a new 15in albook and I want to use my fw800 port.
Im thinking this http…
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Benguiat Font Peas?
I lost a font and I kinda need it. Does anyone have Benguiat for the PC? Please!
my email is
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Bulletpoints on a PeeCee
Uh how do I make a stupid bulletpoint on a PC in Illustrator.
Im dumb sorry
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snowboarding in utah
I am planning a trip in late Feb.
My brother has some deal at Brian Head Utah. But I don't know what to think of it. Its a 3hr d…
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Where are they?
There are more movies like these.…Where are they?
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CANON & Panther
Anyone have a canon scanner that works with panther. I have 2 canon scanners that won't work with panther.
I was relying on it …
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Apple Battery Update
To all those who own a 15" ALBOOK (or any powerbook or ibook) Get the new 500k battery update. It added about an hour and a half t…
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this digi camera
this thing looks so hot…anyone used this camera. I like the3pics per…
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fell in love last night
i fell in love last night with the drunkest girl at the party…
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Best audio setup
Im looking to spend around $200-$300 on a stereo. But I want something geeked out. I own a 15" albook and a 3rd gen ipod.
I wa…
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My desktop
Just made this.
Im trying out a new look. What do you think?
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OSX uneeded fonts
I have panther installed
I hate how OSX has to install several fonts that I'll never use. ie their international fonts.I know…
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Ok I heard The neptunes mention something about meatshake What is it?
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Do I need a new board?
Im 5'11" 155lbs
I ride park but Im planning going out west a couple time this year.I currently have an old 151cm santacruz th…
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Screen Serif Fonts?
What are some good serif fonts for flash? I wanna use a clean serif font for this site.
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Another Site Check
Just made this.…
Im a little hesitant to go further because I don't like making changes a…
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I hate this damn security vault crap.
I turned it on because Im on a laptop and I just got panther. After a few uses with it pant…
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Nike ID Shoes
I usually don't wear nike shoes but I'm thinking about
What do you think of it.BTW here is my colors http://www.em…