
  • chl

    As many of you know, <a href='' >Wrox</a> publishing went bankrupt a little while ago, and the book that <a href='' >Mike</a>, <a href='' >Jessey</a> and <a href='' >I</a> worked on became very hard to find.

    Well, <a href='' >Apress</a> publishing has re-released the book and <a href='…

    Jun 17, 030 replies
  • chl

    Not that it's terribly shocking, but <a href='' >Microsoft</a> is dropping development of <a href='' >Internet Explorer</a> for the <a href='' >Mac</a>. You can read all about it <a href=';cid=77&amp;ncid=77&amp;e=1&amp;u=/mc/20030613/tc_mc/microsoftdropsdevelopmentofinternetexplorerformac' >her…

    Jun 13, 030 replies
  • chl

    It's late, I'm tired, and I'm hitting the sheets soon. But before I do I must say that I'm feeling much love for Doug Bowman's <a href='' >stuff</a> over at <a href='' target…

    Jun 13, 030 replies
  • chl

    We were doing a few routine server upgrades tonight to keep things running smoothly, and we ran into some technical difficulties. Thus the downtime. Fortunately, <a href='' >Mediatemple</a> is pretty much <a href='h…

    Jun 9, 030 replies
  • chl

    I already posted once about this today, but I feel it's an important enough topic to a lot of us to get some extra attention.

    Joel from <a href='' >joelonsoftware</a>, also has <a href='…

    Jun 3, 030 replies
  • chl

    Zeldman <a href='' >weighs in</a> about the AOL / Microsoft deal, the last standalone IE, and <a href='' >Mozilla</a>.

    Jun 2, 030 replies
  • chl

    <div align="center">Batter Up!</div>
    The <a href='' >Zen Garden</a> is a place that aims to demonstrate the real powers of CSS. They are calling for submissions from graph…

    May 19, 030 replies
  • chl

    A little humour for your late, late Saturday night.

    <a href='' >Huhcorp</a>

    May 18, 030 replies
  • chl

    Ever wish you could help researchers out with diseases like SARS, Ebola and Anthrax? Well, now <a href='' >you can</a>.

    Just get the client pro…

    Apr 30, 030 replies
  • chl

    It's hard to believe, but today marks the <a href='' >tenth anniversary of web browsing</a>.

    Apr 22, 030 replies
  • chl

    Music, espeically the kind stored in files on a computer, is probably important to a lot of us. Here's <a href='' >another viewpoint</a> regarding the state of the industry in relation to mp3s.

    Apr 17, 030 replies
  • chl

    There are lots of <a href=',4149,933453,00.asp' >rumors</a> about Apple putting OSX on Intel chips, but it's good to read <a href='' >the other side of the argument</a> as well.

    Apr 16, 030 replies
  • chl

    Job Posting:

    Cartoon Network New Media is looking for an experienced programmer to build web-based applications and games. Skills needed are Flash, Actionscript, and XML.

    Our offices are in Midtown Atlanta, and the usual workday is…

    Apr 10, 030 replies
  • chl

    <a href='' >Henrik Gemal</a> has an <a href='' >article</a> up describing some of the neat <a href='' >Mozilla</a> tools that can help you with developing and debugging.

    Apr 8, 030 replies
  • chl

    Ever coded a popup window? You probably could have coded it better. <a href='' >Aaron Boodman</a>, with his trademark clarity, <a href='' >explains the whys and h…

    Apr 7, 030 replies
  • chl

    According to <a href=';mode=thread&amp;tid=152&amp;tid=155' >this slashdot article</a> Forgent Networks just won a $25 mil lawsuit over JPEG patents.

    Pushing for open image format…

    Apr 4, 030 replies
  • chl

    It's late, and perhaps I'm sorry, but I love this food too much to avoid linking this story from <a href='' >K5</a> about the critically important issue of <a href=''

    Apr 3, 030 replies
  • chl

    For all you <a href='' >Apple</a> superfans out there: it looks like incoming freshmen at the <a href='' >Berklee School of Music</a> will be <a href=';ncid=77&amp;e=1&amp;cid=77&amp;u=/mc/20030402/tc_mc/berklee_freshmen_must_have_apple_laptops' >required</a> to have Apple <a href='' >l…

    Apr 2, 030 replies
  • chl

    A collection of indexed, searchable, royalty-free photos is available for you <a href='' >here</a> at <a href='' >gimp-savvy</a>. Be sure to read the Fair Use bit…

    Mar 31, 030 replies
  • chl

    The powers at be have given me posting access here on the NTB (insert evil laugh here.) I'll try to stick to technical things that the design crowd might find interesting.

    For starters, and I don't mean to start another PC vs. Mac debate here, but apparently Adobe now thinks that th…

    Mar 25, 030 replies