
  • Gabriel

    KidRobot updates "The Dunny Show" page with a lot of photos from the event, that are open until July 17 at 11 Mercer Street (betwe…

    May 17, 040 replies
  • Gabriel

    cocoe updates some days ago with a new videoclip for Fran perea, another spanish singer.

    microbians updates some weeks ago with a s…

    May 17, 040 replies
  • Gabriel

    Here you will taste one of the cool collages and designs by Sr. Garcia and prube his reminds about old spain.

    May 11, 040 replies
  • Gabriel

    We are happy to tell you that The cocoe conspiracy has been finish a videoclip for Paco Ortega very know spanish-flamenco... singer with Globomedia music records, for the song title "Haciendo eses".

    In this videoclip we work a…

    May 7, 040 replies
  • Gabriel

    Our friends Tavo and mediopixel launch nuevo voyager, an commercial site for the new voyager in spain, soon more.

    May 4, 040 replies
  • Gabriel

    Found at the home of Blog Art, an online blog about art, a really cool piece of video creation done by May with music of Jmars. So…

    Apr 28, 040 replies
  • Gabriel

    Keepsmesane montages now available as mini canvas prints at day14

    Also WIWP have teamed up with Jon Burgerman to bring you limited edition hand drawn pin badges.

    Keepmesane also tellme…

    Apr 28, 040 replies
  • Gabriel


    Carole Guevin tellme about PILLs that for the creative is a presentation just gave at FITC with CSS design only.

    Apr 23, 040 replies
  • Gabriel

    Suspicious Minds get finished Roses Are Blue , a video production company in Antwerp, Belgium. They consist of three departments a…

    Apr 19, 040 replies
  • Gabriel


    Bshit is born today from hand of Superdeux & Unchi guys.

    Inside you will find the Bullshit invasion over the world…

    Apr 14, 040 replies
  • Gabriel


    Pictures on Walls handle pieces of art from Banksy, Mode2, Jamie Hewelett, 3D, Faile, Bast, Insect, Gee Vaucher and Pete Fowler.

    Some days ago I took a pack of screenprints, they …

    Apr 12, 040 replies
  • Gabriel

    H5 guys (Ludovic Houplain and Hervé de Crécy) had realiced in the same way they do the Royksopp videoclip a tv ad for Areva a energy company.

    In the <a href="…

    Apr 10, 040 replies
  • Gabriel

    Black Market is the title of a new comic launch by my friend David Navas and Judy Cantor.

    "The comic was commisioned by Street Miami weekly, Fleamarket USA had to be our first subject. Flea Market USA i…

    Apr 7, 040 replies
  • Gabriel

    The Boy Fitz Hammond featured in WIWP (at the cover the WIWP crew) with a full interview from this British 103 year old guy (he he ). Featured works shows for badgeds like Mr.T and Burger Bling.

    There is works from The Boy Fitz Hammond is hi…

    Apr 6, 040 replies
  • Gabriel


    She or he or they (I don't know),... was from Japan and do illustrations more near to the style of sensual-60's-girl... mixed with influences from their country. Take a look to the illustration sid…

    Apr 5, 040 replies
  • Gabriel

    Habituales is a spanish magazine about design with featured articles around the theme. First number will be launch today in BCN an…

    Apr 5, 040 replies
  • Gabriel

    Thru the moebius strip

    This is movie from Jean Giraud aka Moebius what I was wating for a looong time.

    The story about "a 14…

    Apr 5, 040 replies
  • Gabriel


    One of the first devices of the e.paper will be soon ready. With 170 dpi of resolution for me it's the begining of very …

    Apr 2, 040 replies
  • Gabriel

    Printed issue

    NYC* - wednesday - 07.04.2004 - starting at 19:00h at RAW BAR
    54 Clinton St. (between Stanton y Rivi…

    Apr 2, 040 replies
  • Gabriel

    Next time I get bored I will try to get my business cards and so something with it.

    Anyway if you like the origami I suggest you to do the Chalcosoma caucasus well know as "Atlas beetle".

    + here is mo…

    Mar 29, 040 replies