QBNners in Turkey !!

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    Recently I've been reading an article about Erdogan's new victory.

    A hug Beeswax, I hope that one day things will change, for the better, in your country :(

    • 6 years bumpOBBTKN
    • Accountability would help in Turkey and most other countries.CyBrainX
    • True that, sadlyOBBTKN
  • Beeswax2

    The truth is Turks don't deserve anyone better than Erdogan.
    People who oppose him are as bad as his followers.
    A rotten culture. I haven't seen worst in my 45 years on this rock.

    This is a country where I fight with people almost everyday waiting in supermarket line because they don't give a fuck if you were waiting there before them.
    And they want to be ruled by a fair leader?

    This is not a reaction to the results, I secretly wanted him to stay even though i voted for others, I let go of my emotional ties a long time ago.

    • the economy is going to implode pretty soon. It wont be different than Argentina.Beeswax
    • They'll sabre rattle against Greece, threaten to pull out of NATO and support Russia, open the immigrant floodgates to Europe...the usual tricks to get $$$_niko
    • oh and pretend to fight terrorism inside and outside their borders. I guess all this only helps the cronies at the top and not actual Turks._niko
    • But I guess it's all good, I imagine there are thousands and thousands of cranes in the sky building and reinforcing buildings to prevent another disaster..._niko
  • Nairn2

    'Amusingly' it's a lot of the expat / emigrant Turks who vote for the fucker, presumably because it doesn't impact them too much beyond peripheral benefits (eg. their Euros convert to a lot more Lire when they go back, etc).

    The UK is one of the few countries where the majority of 'Turks'* voted for the opposition...


    That said, and I hate to say this, but I agree with your 'supermarket queue' comment - I do find a lot of the Turks here in London Really Fucking Rude. I don't remember them being like this a few years back. Wondering whether they're like the UK ex-pat communities in places like Spain, where they now have such a number that they think that don't need to adhere to local customs and norms, so become utterly contemptible.

    * I put this in single quotes because I suspect a lot of the Turks here in the UK are more Kurdish.

    • https://pbs.twimg.co…Gnash
    • Turks/Kurds same same but different.Beeswax
    • I think there's a difference between migrants and expats. Rude ones are migrants who formed their closed society a while ago and dont give a fuck.Beeswax
    • Also the ones in USA are very different than the ones in Europe & UK. USA>UK>Europe in terms of migrant quality/adaptibility...Beeswax