Donald Trump

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  • youngdesigner0

    T R U M P 2 K

  • youngdesigner0

  • mg330

    Last night in the debate, Trump said that "China built the Great Wall, it's 13,000 miles long. We only need a thousand miles because there are natural barriers."

    Does Trump not know that various sections of the Great Wall were built over 2,000 years, that it took the Ming Dynasty 200 years to build 3,700 miles of it? I don't expect the average low-info, brain dead moron to even know where China is on a map, so you can assume they think that because of Trump's comparison of needing 1,000 miles vs. the Great Wall's 13,000 miles, it's a piece of cake to build.

    • Hero of the Stupidutopian
    • I won't be holidaying in the US again if your people vote Trump in. I remember struggling to comprehend Arnie's entry into politics - this will be worse.fadein11
    • Even if they built a wall. All it takes is a cheap truck to barrel through it and all of a sudden there's a gaping hole.iCanHazQBN
    • There are so many ways to break a wall. Even some basic explosives.iCanHazQBN
    • These Mexicans build underground tunnels miles long.. Do you think they wouldn't be capable of digging under the wall?..iCanHazQBN
    • ..even if the wall was buried like 5 ft. into the ground. Piece of fucking cake.iCanHazQBN
  • yurimon0

  • nb6

    Wake up, sheepepele.

    Nobody is building this wall, ever. Even it were logistically possible, America can't afford it.

    Trump is selling the idea of a wall because it helps him in the polls. If he becomes President, he can use The Wall as an eternal project (similar to a perpetual war) in order to hang on to his political position and rally the people into supporting him. Every few months he'd let the people know how things are going with the wall, how much progress there has been with the wall.

    But it's not getting built. He doesn't want a wall. He needs the idea of the wall.

    This shit is so basic. War on Drugs, War on Terrorism, let's build a wall. Lulz. Politics 101.

    • First sentence was meant as a joke. The rest is serious.nb
    • I thought people were joking about the wall at first. LOL at him actually suggesting it. Fucking America.set
    • haha, ironic, your mention of politics 101.yurimon
    • There is no wall. Whoa.O0O0O0
    • With the attention people are giving Trump, you'd think that this was the first time a politician used foreigners as a scapegoat to blame everything on.nb
    • Centuries of this shit. "Oh, it's the evil people from the other side of river! That's why everything is bad!"nb
    • Screw you guys! we'll build a wall between US and Canada our self!pango
    • so you blame yourself nb for all the problems?yurimon
    • who does nb blame?yurimon
    • come on buddy, dont let me down on this question. we will get to the bottom of the real problems..yurimon
    • I see it as a mirror image of what's happening in Europe with all the far-right parties. It's a backlash against globalization and all the changes that go alongyuekit
    • with it. Immigrants themselves are just an easy target.yuekit
    • But yeah from a psychological perspective it's very predictable and dumb. Very primate-like to quote yurimon :)yuekit
    • Look at that tribe over there, they took yr stuff! It's amazing how well this still works on people.yuekit
    • I think yuekit doesnt have the full perspective. 1. from what i know its not immigration. immigration is a selective process. 2. most of these people are menyurimon
    • and very little families. mostly from areas from high murder rates, rape rates, have no respect for euro people. its just something they feel owed to them foryurimon
    • reason other then they live in the armpits of the planet and take their bagged with them and wonder why everywhere they go everything becomes shit.yurimon
    • Never go full retardO0O0O0
    • its one thing coming to a country in mutual respect and peace. but you have to have some self respect as a people to not allow your country go to crap causeyurimon
    • some guilt programing.yurimon
    • you want a better world, dont screw up other peoples countries, and how come the saudis, or other rich arab nations havent helped out?yurimon
    • Wait I thought you were against government but you want to build a wall to keep out the immigrants?yuekit
    • That's pretty much the definition of statism and centralized control, maybe you should check the contradictions in your mindsetyuekit
    • I'm sorry that you are oppressed in your emotions. fear governs your life and you hate personal responsibility.O0O0O0
    • the microcosm of your emotional life a reflection of your ignorance.O0O0O0
    • but reality is we avoid and are the opposite of virtous band aid the reality of our real situation.O0O0O0
    • yuekit, you dont like violence but yet violence is ok in circumstances if your a migrant? crime, rape. is it ok for you? you think its humane taking in peopleyurimon
    • that the system cant process?yurimon
    • Saying all immigrants are violent rapists is exactly the kind of lazy stereotyping we were talking about earlier.yuekit
    • Why don't you explain how your society with no government and no taxes is going to build a wall, this should be good..yuekit
    • dont change the subject. if you had a choice where your family is involved. lets say. would you still support migrants if a female member of your family wasyurimon
    • raped? or lets say. how many people is it ok to sacrifice? 0-1000% what % increase of rape ok?yurimon
    • would you choose the right to bare arms and females armed n trained or unarmed no chance of defense. now thats a moral dilemma for ya.yurimon
    • if you must know. the question of a society with little or no gov. could they build it better, n cheaper? there is always an assumption that people cant self oryurimon
    • ganize. If you were on your own would you stop doing things if you had no governing body?yurimon
    • The very first thing you would do in creating a state is define borders around a piece of land and start policing those borders.yuekit
    • And of course you would need centralized government in order to check who is in the country illegally and deport them.yuekit
    • So congrats, you are a "statist", you just didn't know it. lol The same thing you keep accusing everyone else ofyuekit
    • but you have another dilemma here. since you are a statist n the whole purpose of a state is to serve n protect its people. judging from the reality. 0-10,yurimon
    • 10 being highest. how well is the state doing in this situation in for filling its promise to the citizenry in the eu?yurimon
    • you didnt answer my questions. and im not arguing the point of centralized control or not because its obvious they have already a system in place.yurimon
    • So you would have the border police turn away families who have travelled hundreds of miles fleeing a warzone?yuekit
    • Of course it's not an easy situation, but I do think they should take in people for humanitarian purposes.yuekit
    • And your question was silly, you seem to be asking if I would blame all people of a certain background if one of them commits a crime.yuekit
    • answer it. im not referring to background of people but to cause n effect of whats going on. can you answer? also why are migrants prefer and head to welfareyurimon
    • state countries? nobody is going to russia, or any of the republics?yurimon
    • nobody is questioning the humanitarian aspect of needs for every person alive here. its just a reality that the welfare state cant handle people from ruff partsyurimon
    • of the world. look at the murder, rape stats in a map. thats your migrant pattern. in order to really remedy this the welfare state has to provideyurimon
    • special services to help people transition out of the abusive they themselves receive from the culture. n still if someone is willing. n nobody deserves to be ayurimon
    • victim of bad policy. plus how is it humane to live in a tent and not always eat for days?yurimon
    • Those people are going to become taxpayers so it could actually be good for their welfare system in the long run.yuekit
    • In fact if you look at the U.S. there are studies that show immigrants are a net moneymaker for the government which may be why they are so reluctant toyuekit
    • really go after them hahayuekit
    • But regardless I would be careful about going down the path of demonizing entire groups of people and saying they are criminals and rapists.yuekit
    • First of all it's a very collectivist mindset when you start seeing yourself as part of white or Western culture and other people as opposed to that.yuekit
    • Hyping up and sensationalizing the dangers of some group of "other people" and blaming them for all problems, this is basically a fascist mentality.yuekit
    • It's not an accident that so many of those far-right anti immigrant parties in Europe are mixed up with white supremacist and neo fascist groups.yuekit
    • Getting back to Trump, this is a good read from a libertarian perspective
    • you still didnt answer the question broh. plus you are an ignorant cunt. maybe its good that the state collapses.yurimon
    • http://www.thelocal.…yurimon
    • predict sweden will be the first to go. http://www.thelocal.…yurimon
    • so yuekits, prognosis is rape, crime, is good for change. only if its migrants cause they are poor from a war zone basically. will yuekit live in the heart ofyurimon
    • confederate country? hell no.. cause he hates redneck culture n it sucks. but oh no what about the migrants rape culture. they are poor. poor migrants.yurimon
    • I did answer your question...if someone commits a crime they should be punished individually. Blaming an entire group of people and suggesting they all haveyuekit
    • the same tendencies, that's the kind of collectivist, tribal, primate-level thinking you should try to avoid brah. I realize the right-wing sites sensationalizeyuekit
    • things and make it look like there is a rampaging horde of rapist immigrants on our doorstep so if you are getting your news from there I guess you might thinkyuekit
    • that way but that's not reality. Not saying it's an easy situation, but giving in to lazy stereotypes like that is pretty sad.yuekit
    • I'm also starting to see extremes on sensational news on what so called left/right sites. they seem to pop up on top of searches. Can you see the world withoutyurimon
    • labels? how does this cloud our judgement? I think your response to crime is good as a general response. but I think people on this site who will say this inyurimon
    • this situation of immigration would group and contradict this logic in case of gun crime. so there is a bias regardless of this statement on alot of members onyurimon
    • here. but stats dont lie. I'm starting to think northern euro culture is to political correct to defend themselves from a new environment of a cultures whereyurimon
    • its culturally women are abused, and i spoke to alot of euro friends and its common belief that migrants are armed. where they are not armed and people in myyurimon
    • need to conquer with a common defense in regards to any violence. however like you label. if a group of native Europeans form a patrol group to patrol theyurimon
    • streets, they will be labeled a fascist anti immigration group, even lose support of the gov for doing safety patrols even if not racist. so I thinkyurimon
    • northern euro culture really kicked itself in the azz in how it progressed to this point where its almost anything a person says or does is label racist if itsyurimon
    • against the direction that is pushed in mainstream media and politics.yurimon
    • In general there is alot of misinfo to the whole process regardless of our natural tendency to be compassionate in presentation of certain propaganda.yurimon
    • If you are patrolling the streets with guns against one ethnic group then I don't think it's such a stretch to call that headed towards fascism.yuekit
    • I'm not in favor of political correctness but from my experience living in Europe this is not such a big problem. In fact most people constantly talk and jokeyuekit
    • about racial and cultural differences. Bottom line is that globalization is a reality and you need to figure out a way to deal with it without retreating intoyuekit
    • white supremacism or dumb nationalism.yuekit
    • I dont think the whole thing is realistic n seems to create ghettos. but if immigrants wish to live within there community should be fine, but if Europeans wishyurimon
    • to do the same they are labeled as racist, white supremacists, and migrants who are are racist against western people are preserving their culture.yurimon
    • Yeah but I think identity politics from the majority race is always going to be seen as more threatening, for obvious reasonsyuekit
    • Not really. I think identity politics is a one way street. This nothing new if you want to subvert a culture. you should study cultural marxism.yurimon
    • Maybe reread most if not all of machiavelli's works. still relevant to the script.yurimon
    • so here is a scenario. belief is that if your faith claims that Shariah law is Allah's law, and man made systems of law are for infidels. refuses to shake womanyurimon
    • s hand because of such law. Clear discrimination against a woman? but when not given the job because of such discrimination not to shake the womans hand thoughyurimon
    • its customary. feels uncomfortable, maybe feels created hostile work environment doesnt hire the man. Man reports ceo woman to infidel man made lawyurimon
    • discrimination agency and gets $ using the infidel legal system he originally opposes to benefit. so whos the discriminator here? this is a good example ofyurimon
    • a catch 22 hypocrisy? what you think?yurimon
    • I'm not reading all these fucking notes, but I totally agree with the original post. I've been saying this myself. +1sarahfailin
    • yupformed
    • This was my most popular post, I'd say.nb
  • nb0


    • Putting "★ ★ ★ ★ ★" on the cover of your book is hilarious.nb
    • The look of a man deep in important thought. Or he's on the toilet taking a massive shit.face_melter
    • if this is released as an audio book, with him reading it while getting increasingly more drunk on scotch as he fumbles through the 80 double spaced pages...prophetone
    • then I am all in.prophetone
    • I'm guessing it's some kind of colouring book. Only losers go over the lines.face_melter
  • MrT1

    "Donald Trump, who at best looks like a plughole in an orangutan sanctuary, is probably only running for president because this dimension doesn’t have a Superman he can give a hard time to."

    More total class from Frankie Boyle, as usual.…

    • Clinton "sounds like an android trying to trick the last human out of a bunker."
    • loliCanHazQBN
    • hahaformed
  • prophetone2

  • prophetone2

  • nb3

    Don't forget this thread!

  • drake-von-drake-6

    Interesting to note that Donald Trump was once a Democrat, and he actually switched over to the Democrat party in 2001 after being registered as a Republican. He has also donated money to people in both the Republican and Democratic parties – most notably, he has donated money John McCain and George W. Bush of the Republican Parties, while also donating money to Ted Kennedy and John Kerry of the Democratic parties.

    • When you post the same thing over and over in multiple threads, it's spam. You keep doom it. Please stop.monospaced
    • while true, he is now pretending to be a republican, even though he isnt, so thats what we'll call him. a republican. thats an insult. republicans are retartedCygnusZero4
  • Miguex2

    This is fantastic, if you are not following @TrumpGoogles on instagram, you should start right now.…

  • oey6

    in my opinion many or even most of the stuff in the politics thread related to trump could be posted here cause lots his about himself and less about politics, though it's connected.

  • BusterBoy13

  • CyBrainX4

    2 years ago and so much shame. I wonder how many of the sympathizers and supporters regret their earlier comments or possibly their votes. I suspect none. Facts are the enemy more than libtards or anything Hillary ever did.

    • Yup. Some do, but those were the anti-Hillary gang, not pro-Tman. Facts were never relevant to these folks, now they have the ammo to even chant about it.formed
  • utopian2

  • chukkaphob11

  • chukkaphob3

  • yuekit2

  • monospaced2
