ibook ting'n'ting

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  • wwfc

    okay - so i have put together a couple of ibooks for a client that will be distributed via his (wp) site... they are free to dl so no real complexity there - just click and download... eezy-peezy...


    on tablet/phone downloads, there doesn't seem to be any reference either visually or otherwise to say that they are downloading or on it's way or owt like that...

    so even though the download 'is' happening it almost looks like a dead link... prompting the user to either start multiple downloads of the same thing - or to just skip back (leave) putting it down to a bad job...

    anyone know how to trigger some kind of alert or a similar desktop experience - in the browser you can see something is happening - and know that it's worked?...


  • BuddhaHat0

    It's probably not a preferred method, but if you replicate the method download.com or sourceforge uses for automatically initiating downloads (click the 'Download' button to see what I mean: http://download.cnet.com/YTD-Vid…), the user can see that the download is initiating in their toolbar. I just tried on OSX and Android using Chrome, and both work...

    Good luck.

    • sweet - will give that a go - nice one! :-)wwfc