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    If you're new to Slack, you never got to witness "giphy roulette" Used to be, you couldn't discriminate on what gif giphy posted. It was the wild west. Of course, you'd get the random NSFW, but the best gifs were the totally incorrect interpretations of the phrase you posted. I miss it so much.

    • I also loved this in the past few years. Having a completely non-related gif come up and ironically actually match the context perfectly was so satisfying!!!mantrakid
  • nb1

    Does anyone use Slack just for themselves? As in, you work for yourself but use Slack to connect to public design communities, work groups, etc? Do you just sign up as your own Team and keep one account for yourself? Seems odd, but I think there are various Slack communities out there worth joining.

    • Yes, I've found a few channels that I've joined outside of work projects...
      One that seems fairly popular is "Designers Hangout"
    • yepben_
    • Is there a qbn slack?Gnash