White Genocide

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  • 58 Responses
  • youngdesigner0

    Charles Darwin was encouraged and promoted by those who believed in "scientific dictatorship". Authors, politicians, and leaders of countries have incorporated secular humanism and aspects of "survival of the fittest" into their paradigm structure. These include fiction writers such as Huxley, Wells, Orwell, and political figures such as Hitler and Karl Marx and many others.

    Many who call themselves Darwinists are Freemasons who help promote the agenda of the elite rule of the world (New World Order), which isn't "kindly" to the masses.

    Darwinites are secular humanists who espouse the Masonic doctrine of self-deification. Darwin hints at this philosophy in The Origin of Species when we wrote:

    "...as natural selection works solely by and for the good of each being, all corporeal and mental endowments will tend to progress toward perfection. There is grandeur in this view of life... from so simple a beginning endless forms most beautiful and most wonderful have been and are being evolved."

    According to the occult doctrine underpinning Darwinism, man is becoming a god and perfection is attainable through the corporeal processes of nature. Do we need to read between the lines?

    The Origin of Species, Darwin, pp. 428 - 429, 1873

  • GeorgesII0

    Darwin did hate the irish more than any other race

  • Weyland0

    • That time Darwin took his theories too far and claimed the poor and those of colour were of lesser evolution.sem
  • _niko0

    To speak directly to the first post, I agree, the white genocide is well under way. As is the black, chinese, indian ect genocides.
    With globalization, we will slowly start to meld into a more unified, global race.

    • although, because of our different locations, we might be slightly darker or lighter than each other. ie white australians_niko
    • will one day be closer in colour to the aboriginees probably._niko
  • reanimate0

    Globalization and increased immigration occurred over the same time frame but that doesn't mean that your declining wages are just because a Muslim family moved in next door. Immigrants are just an easy target for your anger at abstract changes that you don't really understand.

    Not to say that immigrants can't cause problems but in the grand scheme of things it's a minor issue. Parties that organize themselves mainly around being anti-immigrant as if it will solve all a country's problems are working in the tradition of fascism.

  • GeorgesII0

    you will sleep so much better once you realize that isis, alquaeda, the red brigade, etc are all inventions of the intelligence world, they serve there purpose by bringing fear to the people, and once the population is scared you can pretty much have carte blanche to do what you want,

    google operation Gladio and strategy of tension and you'll realize they've been using the same blueprint for forever

    e.g: 9/11 >> Irak --- ISIS >> syria



    Nusaybah told the BBC's Newsnight on Friday that Adebolajo was asked by the MI5 domestic intelligence agency if he wanted to work for them."

    • Won't.babaganush
    • George has spoken his wisdom again... bow down. I'm sure he thinks noone gets this shit... zzzzfadein11
    • @fadein you're right. The rhetorical conspiracy theory is makin....zzzzzzzbabaganush
    • fadein, then stop fuckn criticizing me and particìipate for once, or you're too high up in your imaginary castleGeorgesII
    • at least I try bringing new ideas and concept to the table, what have you been doing except acting smuggGeorgesII
    • I do onctribute all the time. You are smug mate - you impart your knowledge like its new or something - people do read, watch, think here you knowfadein11
    • watch and think here you know (well some)... I think you are missing the point a lot of the time by focussing on conspiracies /fadein11
    • crackpot theories. Wars have always been started this way, enemies are generally always 'created' - this shit aint new - why are you sofadein11
    • are you so surprised. I am actually from your side of the fence, I just don't like your presentation.fadein11
    • and in an open forum I am allowed to express that. Your points are so provocative - what do you expect?fadein11
    • I'm with you George you crazy black bastardset
    • love you manset
  • lowimpakt0

    Michael Adebowale, with the hatchet, was born in London to a Christian family.

    what's your point again?

    • black people2002
    • Yeah probably a bad example but he was radicalized by foreign elements within Britain. When he said this is in retaliation for killing our women, bombing our lands ect he was a mouthpiece for these other elements.
    • our women, bombing our lands ect he was a mouthpiece for these other elements.
    • And it's just as bad if he was white carrying out these discusting acts on behalf of some fucked up ideology_niko
    • It's the imported ideology that threatens the way of life not necessarily the people themselves._niko
    • actually he travelled all overset
  • _niko0

    There are certain countries in the world that endorse multiculturalism, Canada, Australia, the US, etc, and take in tons of immigrants with open arms, it's the way of life here and we embrace it.

    However, just because you live in a shithole country and you have 12 kids doesn't give you the right to demand to live in a prosperous european country and demand to live off their system and demand to have the same religious rights as the country you came from.

    • I don't get the second paragraph, do you really believe immigrants are happy to live their home to go work degrading jobs abroad?GeorgesII
    • please explain, I really don't get it, because except the really minuscule vocal extremist, I don't see this really happening anywhereGeorgesII
    • I know for a fact they are 'happy' to take 'demeaning' jobs. We had a cleaner who was a teacher in East Europe...she siding have a chip on her shoulder about it being 'demeaning'babaganush
    • Didn't have a chip on her shoulder about it being 'demeaning'. That's just over liberalismbabaganush
    • what I'm trying to say is that the country doesn't have to take you in, and if they do you have to live and play by their laws and rules_niko
    • lol @ US - incredibly hard to migrate to.fadein11
    • if you are talking about countries that welcome in workers to do perceived demeaning work, then that's different_niko
    • if we take your example of Greece earlier, should Greece have to care and feed and house the hundreds of thousands of unwanted and illigal_niko
    • ...unwanted and illigal immigrants that pour into the country yearly? Greece has it's own problems, they can't take on theirs as well._niko
  • _niko0

    Nothing new, it's happened many times throughout history, where a new group moves in and supplants the older group by sheer numbers.

    in america, Natives supplanted by white europeans, whites supplanted by blacks latinos and other races. no big deal.

    when it gets fucked up however, is when the new group feel entitled to change the way of life of the guest country that they live in ie:

    • wot like colonialism?lowimpakt
    • could be or just migrations_niko
    • two wrongs don't make a right but one british death is nothing compared to the millions in the middle east...set
    • only difference is the media coverage.set
    • Whites did not overwhelm the natives with numbers, they did it with guns and a hard resolve to commit genocide.zarkonite
    • oooh good then,
  • GeorgesII0

  • pango0

    yes we're coming to get you all!
    All y'all little white babies gonna be beige!

  • Miguex0

  • omahadesigns0

    Like there's any danger for white people in Arkansas.

  • GeorgesII0

    @ rendered, I'm always happy of discussing every subject,

    I live in europe and there's a strong right wing wind blowing over most northern countries, just look at the last elections(france, norway, sweden, netherland, belgium all voted for "right wing parties") and the more the economy will go into the shitter the more people will look up this same extremists as saviours,

    If you don't believe me, just ask anyone honest if they truly believe multiculturalism will ever work?

    I don't know what is the color of your skin and it shouldn't matter, but as a black man living in a predominantly white country/continent, I fear the repercussions like what happened to black people in Greece and Lybia once the government tanked,

    I really don't get people that won't discuss any subject, it doesn't make you any smarter or better than anyone else to ignore a small leak in a wall that could blow up in your face one day.

    • I have no problem discussing the subject, but I prefer fighting it in real life.renderedred
    • Starting with my surroundings.renderedred
    • That's all, I don't deny that the problem exists, it bloody does.renderedred
    • The right wing wave is down to the recent economic crisis which is in recovery - and the UK had had such trends on and offfadein11
    • since the arrival of immigrants post war - 50s, 70s, 80s - huge right wing movements. Stop thinking everything is in declinefadein11
    • it does nothing to help and like the media, it just feeds the attitudes, almost gives it credibility. It will blow over.fadein11
    • don't tell me its worse now - the UK used to have signs on doors saying "no dogs, no blacks, no irish" - please.fadein11
    • ehehheh no dogs,
      that's racist
  • renderedred0

    @George, my friend, the moment you engage or start a discussion like this, that is legitimate, sure, but, you have to realize what you're doing is just building another ghetto for yourself. These white groups did the same. If that is where you want to be, in a mind ghetto, fine. My opinion was and still is, no more ghettos of any kind and maybe the world can improve.

    • sorry I just checked you profile and you live in Israel and you're telling me I'm building another ghetto to myself, eheheheh //SGeorgesII
    • it's just a joke mate
      don't hate me
    • I am aware of the fact that I live in one. :)renderedred
  • detritus0

    Sometimes thoughts on this subject worry me.

    We're at a technological point where shit can very quickly and easily get fundamentally existential, and if recent history's anything to go by, the one ethnic group you don't want to fuck around with are the whites.

    Fucking evil cunts, the lot of them.

    They'll industrialise, sanitise, go on the offensive and wipe out everything that offends them.

    I'd much rather we just had an open, sensible discussion about it all in advance and try and nip future horror in the bud.


    And yes, it starts with putting a stop to projection warfare and creating a level playing field for the regions migrants come from. It involved huge amounts of relevant aid and business incentives, and it means we have to engage in capital models that don't require the promise of percentile increase profits every quarter.

    But when's that ever going to happen?

    • < Bleating to himself in the void.detritus
    • no man, the solution is so simple, I really don't understand why no one eslse is applying it, don't want 3rd world migrants, stop destroying their country and raping them for their natural ressource, pay a fair price and let them be if they don't want to "modernize"GeorgesII
    • destroying their country and raping them for their natural ressource, pay a fair price and let them be if they don't want to "modernize"GeorgesII
    • to "modernize"GeorgesII
    • But we need them to modernise, otherwise who will be our next generation of consumers?detritus
    • I guess 'a fair price' is what I meant by 'business incentives'. A leg up to catch up too. Not 'Aid'.detritus
  • detritus0

    “The C.T. in me tells me that this situation was created for this exact reason,”

    Nah, it's more fundamental than that, unfortunately—it's cultural.

    The same cunts who'll complain about 'hoodied kids' won't engage with the youth, actively discouraging them and turning them into that which they fear. They'll turn up their noses and bleat about all that's wrong, then do fuck all to try and sort it out. They'll mutter darkly under their breath when talking with friends, silenced whenever asked outside of that.

    Not everyone, you know—just most of them. Often the ones who could actually afford the time and resource to effect change.

    • That's the thing — there's no conspiracy at work in all of this — it's just natural evolution. The state of the art.detritus
  • GeorgesII0

    this is the video they keep on spamming

    • is it even possible to become a "former american"?moldero
  • moldero0

  • futuremongolian0

    "aren't jews white?"

    Yeah, white jews. Contrary to various opinions floating around the internet, "jews" are not a race.

    • fucking utter yawnset
    • always gold when sarcastic off the cuff in jest comments get factually broken down for me into utter mountain of obviousset