RIP Net Neutrality

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  • 90 Responses
  • organicgrid0

    Winners and losers: A breakdown ahead of the net neutrality vote

    The Winners
    Content providers
    Net neutrality activists
    President Obama

    The Losers
    Internet Service Providers
    Wireless providers…

  • bklyndroobeki0

    laughing stock

  • ukit20

    In Net Neutrality Victory, F.C.C. Classifies Broadband Internet Service as a Public Utility…

    I guess we can rename this thread now :)

    So ISPs throttling content will now be illegal. They also did some good stuff when it comes to overturning state laws that protect local monopolies.

  • organicgrid0

  • IRNlun60

    So is there any public record to what was just passed?

  • CGN0

  • mg330

    Copied from Reddit, where someone spent a shit ton of time copying comments from a Fox News article about the Net Neutrality vote today. Ignorant racists should not be allowed to use the Internet, but hey, I guess they're trying to ensure it remains free and open!

    "we the people have to decorate war on the Democrats and demand that Obama and the Democrats on the FCC be killed ASAP."
    "Save America, shoot liberal terrorist democrats on site."
    "One in the chest, one in the head. That's how you deal with socialists."
    "We deserve what is coming for not stringing up this traitor already."
    "Okay, I'm all for a mass execution of liberal-socialist-regressives now."
    "Where is Lee Harvey Oswald when we really need him?"
    "Perhaps Mullah Obama wants to apply Sharia Law over the internet soon."
    "Obama is a Traitor and should pay the ultimate price"
    "Will someone please shoot this sambo already."
    "I look forward to seeing Seal Team 6 repelling down on the white house..."
    "ISIS is also cheering."
    "Barry just found another way to fund his terrorist buddies."
    "The whole purpose of it is to stifle conservatives and their freedom of speech."
    "Communist tyranny at its our bullets will be gone by executive action and nothing will be done about that either."
    "Now we have government controlled internet and Obama using executive action to take bullets away from us....a civil war is coming and coming faster and faster."
    "This government wants to control everything plus implement Shria Law."
    "Never have I prayed for a lone wolf more than now"
    "It's all about the money and goverment interference. All Obama wants is control for his 2016 takeover."
    "Again, our king lies and takes more power! And who is stopping him? No one!"
    "Add ObamaNet to all the freebies the Illegals get today!"
    "With Obama the incompetent, it's all about liberal control, and liberals are the evil in America."
    "0bama had the American flag on Air Force 1 replaced with the ISIS flag."
    "The picture with this article should be captioned, "SIEG HEIL"."
    "One more step in Obama's plan to destroy America."
    "Obama the Tyrant."
    "We have problems in this country. It's obama, democrats, black racists and muslims."
    "Sounds like affirmative action Internet..."
    "Get Your Guns Ready and If You Don't Have One You Better Go Get One"
    "All hail fuhrer Obama."
    "Dictator Odumbo"
    "Won't be long now. We won't be able to get the unfiltered news from overseas. Just the state mandated and approved news. Just like China."
    "Give a demorat a heart attack...tell them they got to WORK for that welfare check..."
    "We are rapidly losing our freedoms! A few states need to secede!"
    "Obama is a traitor"
    "We need a sweeping cleanse of this government...or rather...this tyranny!!"
    "Obama will be using his new assumed power to shut down conservative websites like Drudge."
    "This is America Obama. Not Kenya."
    "What good is the Internet if you get killed from one of Obama's ISIS terrorist buddies?"
    "The past 6 years shows we are not the country we used to be. The best generation of Americans (1940s) would NEVER have allowed a communist leader to destroy us."
    "Thank God that the 2nd amendment will stop Obama's plan for complete collapse of America."
    "Next policy on the Obama agenda.... All middle class white people will pick up "1 to 2" black families and completely support them and all their needs."
    "There you go you dummies who reelected him. Now, YOUR Internet is gone."
    "Barack Obama is an ILLEGAL PRESIDENT. He was not born in America, therefore his election was ILLEGAL."
    "This is SO BAD.. I dont think people can even Grasp how truly EVIL this IS.."
    "Healthcare now this. Takeover of America is almost complete. Banning ammo is next."
    "When do they start burning books?"
    "Your Internet Service Bill will sky-rocket to help pay for free Internet for Illegals and the Inner City Heathen"
    "Communism at its finest."
    "Yet another example of Barry and his liberal friends trying to send us back to the stone age."
    "You like clean air???? We can tax it."
    "For a President that doesn't seem to like white people a whole lot, he sure likes the European brand of socialism."
    "Free internet for all illegals"
    "Obama and his cronies should be arrested and tried for treason; NOW!"
    "Next, perhaps Obama will put a tax on the air that you breathe everyday"
    "Liberals once again applying their universal solution to every problem.... more taxes!"
    "Obama wrecking havoc on Americans."
    "Sadly, no one seems to remember George Orwell giving prophetic warning about all that is happening around us, and what evil is about to befall us because we are more desirous "of happiness than freedom"."
    "There goes the First Amendment, courtesy of the FCC (Freakin' Communism Central)"
    "Better get a gun before they take that away next. Then it is over people our freedom will be gone."
    "What was the reason for the FIRST American Revolution??? Oh yeah, it was "taxation without representation by a tyrannical government"! My how history repeats itself!"
    "You cannot read it till we pass it. This is eeerily similar to ODemoCare."
    "our liberty is being stripped from us"
    "Obama wants to take away Freedom of Speech... this is his way of intimidation... break him before he breaks we the people!!"
    "Some day we will be asking ourselves, "Remember when we used to be free?"
    "Do you hear that? It's the sound of freedom dying on our watch"
    "What can we expect next...? Kristallnacht.....?"
    "when are we going to impeach this SOB? It's WAY WAY WAY past time"
    "HEIL our Furhrer, Barrack Obama!"
    "I now see how the German people must have felt as they saw their freedoms slipping away under Nazism."
    "They do the same thing in Russia, China and North Korea but call it something different than Net Neutrality."

    • mg33 is that your argument "I guess they're trying to ensure it remains free and open!"bklyndroobeki
    • I should have phrased differently. I mean that the FCC is trying to keep it free and open. (Not monetarily free, btw.)mg33
  • ukit20

    It's pretty funny to see these right wingers swooping in at the last minute to try and lecture everyone about what net neutrality is and how horrible it is. I guess they know better than Google, Mozilla, Twitter, Reddit, Kickstarter, Vimeo, Wikipedia and basically every other web company and internet freedom group who all support NN.

  • hotroddy0

    It's both funny and sad to see faux news talking heads argue against it. They are so passionate about something they have limited understanding on. They argue on grounds of 'government regulations'.

    I think most people with a brain are siding w the govn't on this one.

  • trooperbill0

    the media arguing to give the media more control over an open media consumption platform... who woulda guessed it.

  • yurimon0

    • what a fear monger. ISP are more likely to fuck us on this one than gov't 'censuring' the internet.hotroddy
    • Free market in telecomm? He obviously doesn't don't how that works in the US. Some regions only have a choice of 1 carrier.IRNlun6
  • ukit20

    ^ And this is why you don't get your news from Alex Jones. Could not be more inaccurate if they tried...

    • did you get the memo that both parties suck and this is going down hill in a fuck all?yurimon
    • there is only few key point in this rest is bullshit.yurimon
    • in the video i meanyurimon
    • Infowars is not there to inform you, it's like the WWF of newsukit2
    • They never covered this issue for years, they are just coming it at the last moment to fear monger and mislead youukit2
    • 2 points are making the net a utility for taxes, and what gov promises is usually not its intention.yurimon
    • I get that part about the infowars. not all is bullshit. same with fox or cnn once in a while something surfacesyurimon
    • in those networks but kinda bullshity in how they present it but you can see past it sometimesyurimon
    • im still trying to read through the legislature but bit busy :(yurimon
  • Maaku0

    Just read this…

    and this…

    Still a little bit confused about all the fuss.
    It seems like it's worst for internet providers than us consumers, am I right?

  • ukit20

    The EFF is a good source on this. Here they explain the rationale for Title II:…

    Something that a lot of people are missing is that we have already had a net neutrality rule for years. Verizon sued to get it overturned because they wanted to have the power to slow down sites unless the sites paid them extra (which they admitted during the court case).

    The court ruled in Verizon's favor and said the FCC didn't have the proper authority to enforce net neutrality since broadband was classified as an "information service" rather than a telecommunications service under the Bush administration.

    That's why they made this move to reclassify broadband from an information service to a telecommunications service (Title II). However the vast majority of Title II regulations will not be applied to broadband since they were created for the phone industry and don't make sense for the web.

    So basically nothing changes since all this does is give the FCC the power to enforce net neutrality which is how the web has always operated. However the ISPs are pissed that they didn't get their way for once and are busy spreading fear and disinfo about it.

  • yurimon0

    what yee thinks of this?

    • In different sub-fields of historical studies the issue of periodization is practically as old as the fields themselves. It is probably impossible to form any idea of history without periodization, i.e., without dividing the past into certain phases, periods, epochs, or erasORAZAL
    • is practically as old as the fields themselves. It is probably impossible to form any idea of history without periodization, i.e., without dividing the past into certain phases, periods, epochs, or erasORAZAL
    • i.e., without dividing the past into certain phases, periods, epochs, or erasORAZAL
    • ? queyurimon
    • tldwbklyndroobeki
  • yurimon0

    Maybe something to this regardless of the positive hype?
    worth a think.…

  • detritus0



    I've never seen the problem with the option for paying for a better / quicker / etc service, and nor do I see why certain companies should be able to enjoy a free lunch that allows them to leapfrog competition by abusing bandwidth.

    Obviously 'good' internet access should be a 'modern right for all' or something, but not at the cost of hobbling everyone else's [paid for] ambition.

  • formed0

    The idea that att (and nokia?) will stop building out simply because of NN is pure propaganda and grand standing. Of course they want to be able to charge more, that's how business works - the only one they look out for are their shareholders, nothing for the general populace. That's fine, that's capitalism, and that's when we need the gov't to step in on behalf of the people.

    We already pay huge amounts for lesser technology (compared to other developed nations). Att (and nokia?) will continue to improve their networks or they'll get left behind. That's capitalism too and it works. Competition is what should breed improvements, not monopolies and artificial increases in cost.

    As a small business owner, I am relieved. I would have been one of those hurt as I can't get leverage like a Netflix, so Comcast could continue to increase costs (or Att) to whatever they want.

    We really need more competition. I don't know of anywhere that has more than one cable provider.

    • I understand what you are saying. My concern is down the line in long term as policy being a trojan horse.yurimon
    • I think mesh networks my have a chance to break cable because of everything going to wirelessyurimon
    • not sureyurimon
  • detritus1

    If America actually had the competition its capitalist model's supposed to encourage, as in most of Europe, then it'd matter much less about the tiering of services because there'd still be the maintenance of competition at both ends of the spectrum.

    It's not net 'neutrality' that's the problem here, it's the broken foundations of the providers the net relies upon that's at fault.

    That Nokia article points to some very relevant case-scenarios where net neutrality, in an absolutely restrictive sense and outwith a base commercial environment, will scupper the net's potential and possibly even endanger life.

    • Yup, we here all this bs about "free markets", yet there are no free markets.formed
  • organicgrid1

    (R) Sen. John Thune, of South Dakota

    GOP’s net neutrality point man says fight is not over…