#1 Rule in Freelancing!

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  • 42 Responses
  • Douglas0

    Don't be a pain in the ass.
    Hit your deadlines.

  • whatthefunk0

    1. Learn to spot a trouble client in advance b/c turning down work is often more valuable in the long term compared to taking on a trouble client.

    2. I ask for 50% in advance (payable by company check, cash, paypal (+ paypal fees) or wire transfer (and provide my bank info) - yes, make sure your contract and kill fees are crystal clear.

    3. Never quote a project based on the dangling carrot - ("we have a ton of work, if you give us a break on this one we'll have more work") focus on the project at hand and others will invariably come.

    4. Remember that you CAN cut off trouble clients mid project but only after you've hit mid project. A legal term called "expectation measure" applies to a project where a client expects 100% of the work and you expect 100% of the pay. If you've received a 50% deposit and you can prove that you're half way through a project you can walk away. When their attorney calls/emails explain the issue and the fact that you've received 50% of the $ and they've received 50% of the work - you can fire clients! (only in extreme cases of course)

    5. You don't always need an attorney. If you find yourself in hot water you can drag out the communication with a client's attorney for months before anything happens and 9 times out of 10 it never goes to court.