Explosions at Boston Marathon

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  • GeorgesIV0

    "They kept making announcements to the participants do not worry, it's just a training exercise," Coach Ali Stevenson told Local 15.

    Stevenson said he saw law enforcement spotters on the roofs at the start of the race. He's been in plenty of marathons in Chicago, D.C., Chicago, London and other major metropolitan areas but has never seen that level of security before.

    "Evidently, I don't believe they were just having a training exercise," Stevenson said. "I think they must have had some sort of threat or suspicion called in."

    • Why is he the only one claiming this? Plus, there's always a high level of security at these events.IRNlun6
    • I don't know, there isn't much known yet, I'm just posting this so it does fall in the memory holeGeorgesIV
    • Yeah, I hear you. Just so many idiots claiming conspiracy on everything these days.IRNlun6
  • uuuuuu0

    just terrible all around but there is no way this was a just terrrist attack

  • identity0

    A tragedy happens and everyone becomes an analyst, a poet and an expert. I know we're all trying to make sense of things - and talking through grief/pain/uncertainty is natural and cathartic - but CHRIST, can we keep the deep thoughts and non-objective/political wankery to a minimum?

    • think critically moranuuuuuu
    • Insightfulidentity
    • ok i apologize i see what you are saying ;]uuuuuu
    • Oh, uuuuuu!
      Admittidely, my entry is a bit callous. Just over-saturated with opinions and "news" for the day.
    • yes. the fact is that we really don't know much at this moment.pango
  • Ramanisky20

    Branch Davidian siege in Waco, Texas on April 19, 1993
    Oklahoma City Bombing on April 19, 1995
    Columbine High School shootings on April 20, 1999
    Virginia Tech shootings on April 16, 2007
    Boston Marathon April 15, 2013

  • toe_knee0

    I'm craving a snickers for some reason

  • pablo280

    • this is too soon in a whole other lvl...pango
    • just wowutopian
    • damnmoldero
    • that was aired in marchernexbcn
    • ya. edited and posted as a joke right on the same day of the event.pango
  • ********

    My view on this whole thing is its no more important that a bomb attack in a foreign country or just a mishap that did some damage anywhere.

    I do find it interesting that so many people clamor to it. It's like a hot topic to discuss for a national team. However i'm not sure it is about that national tribalistic instinct. I think it is just a matter of being able to empathize with something closer to home and feeling lucky it wasnt us. There's pleasure felt when seeing something horrible to others, probably why news operates on such stories for ratings. And I think the fake concern and attention people give to isolated events like this when their is worse stuff, is a false show of concern out of guilt. They feel guilty that it was someone else and not themselves. And they group together validating each others false concern.

    I feel as much empathy to the boston folk as i do any other person or group worldwide who had shit luck. But I cannot see it mattering any more than what i might want for dinner. Does tragedy striking someone I do not know really have an effect? I did not know them, i will now never know them so they might as well have not existed. The only incentive in viewing such things is to selfishly feel im luckier or better than someone else. Their life is more fucked up so i can feel better.

    Seems strange. Not sure if it has always been this way or just more apparent with increased herd mentality of social media outlets. But i really wonder how many people could honestly say that a person they didnt know and didnt care about is now gone or injured matter more than what they're having for dinner when this stuff happens everyday.

    But i do have to say i found it buzz worthy and entertaining from the regular flow of things. Like a sports game or superbowl. It had that media attention to make it seem special and who doesnt want to participate or watch something that seems special and partake in a vicarious fashion. Im just disappointed that i felt it.

    • major issuesfadein11
    • wow, what a thunderous cunt you have made yourself sound...cruddlebub
    • Major issues because i see as one life i have no vested interest worth the same as any other life without vested interest equal?
    • interest? Id say you have issues feeling the need to add value. Much like racial value. Just be honest
    • or whatever. my honest opinion. take it for what it is and try not to let it hurt your worldview
    • ya he's dead inside...pango
    • http://en.wikipedia.…elahon
    • well your name fitsfadein11
    • I appreciate db's raw honesty, i might have felt like this once long ago I admit, but once imoldero
    • had a daughter and felt pure love everything changed in me, and I mean everythingmoldero
    • I can easily put myself in others shoes, people of the world are generally good, were pretty much all the same with the same goals, we just want to live comfortable and love, thats itmoldero
    • we just want to live comfortably, and love, thats it, thats all we need, seeing people get blown up and putting myself in their loved ones shoes with what i know now is intensemoldero
    • loved ones shoes is intense. no worries DB, i hear you man, but views will change as you growmoldero
  • ********


    You trolling?

    Feeling disconnected from a bombing, be it Boston/Iraq/wherever, is one thing.

    But stuff like...
    "But i do have to say i found it buzz worthy and entertaining from the regular flow of things."
    "I cannot see it mattering anymore than what i might want for dinner."
    "Does tragedy striking someone I do not know really have an effect?"

    ...makes you sound like a jaded, solipsistic cunt. You seriously need some human connection in your life.

  • GeorgesIV0

    hey pig, deathboy, etc
    For all intensive purposes I think you are ALL wrong.

    In an age where false morals are a diamond dozen, true virtues are a blessing in the skies. We often put our false morality on a petal stool like a bunch of pre-Madonnas, but you all seem to be taking something very valuable for granite. So I ask of you to mustard up all the strength you can because it is a doggy dog world out there. Although there is some merit to what you are saying it seems like you have a huge ship on your shoulder. In your argument you seem to throw everything in but the kids Nsync, and even though you are having a feel day with this I am here to bring you back into reality. I have a sick sense when it comes to these types of things. It is almost spooky, because I cannot turn a blonde eye to these glaring flaws in your rhetoric. I have zero taller ants when it comes to people spouting out hate in the name of moral righteousness. You just need to remember what comes around is all around, and when supply and command fails you will be the first to go.

    Make my words, when you get down to brass stacks it doesn't take rocket appliances to get two birds stoned at once. It's clear who makes the pants in this relationship, and sometimes you just have to swallow your prize and accept the facts. You might have to come to this conclusion through denial and error but I swear on my mother's mating name that when you put the petal to the medal you will pass with flying carpets like it's a peach of cake.

  • hans_glib0

    I think what deathboy is alluding to is that when people get blown up in some far off country there's a tendency to shrug our shoulders and say "Oh dear". But when it happens nearer to home (or at home) it suddenly becomes a big deal. But actually when you look at it objectively, the outrages are the same.

    As someone who lived through the IRA bombings in London, remembering the US lack of interest in - and in some cases, support for - those events compared with the outrage that is caused when it happens there (Waco, Boston etc), I can understand his viewpoint.

    And of course the media is all over it. Explosions look great on tv - much more interesting than some politician blathering on about something no-one really cares about. Sad but true.

    • but it's not supposed to happen to us,
      you know, we have freedom
    • or say London's economic center VS Belfast... :pkingsteven
    • exactlyhans_glib
    • deathboy is not totally wrong but maybe some sentences are too much.
    • What you're talking about is the Identifiable Victim effect, of course we're going to be more concerned with what happens in our own neighborhood.Josev
    • in our own neighborhood. That doesnt mean we shouldnt be ore concerned with what's happening to others in the world, but it explains why there's such concern here.Josev
    • world, but it explains why we have so much concern here.Josev
  • kingsteven0

    seems like such a small explosion ... more like a grenade than a bomb. absolutely horrible that it caused so much carnage. if you think about the size of the canary warf bombing in comparison (similar fatality/ injury count) these sort of attacks are a really terrifying prospect...

  • ApeRobot0

    • Not funny. But funny. Not funny! ( it's kjnda funny)monospaced
    • kind of funny
    • It Wasn't a Suicide Bomber!!pango
  • BusterBoy0

    Bunches of people here in Melbourne calling up talkback radio...asking why this is creating such a headline when the deaths of 50 in a bomb attack in Islamabad creates a scant headline.

    My answer to this...the moral outrage is and should be exactly the same. A US, Australian, English or French life is no more important than a Pakistani, Iraqi or Syrian life.

    The difference is we can relate to events in Boston...many of us have been there or in similar places. Our family may live there. We may have walked past the same spot. It could have just as easily been one of us.

    Not too many of us 'westeners' have been to Aleppo, Baghdad or Kabul so there is a huge disconnect. Doesn't mean the events are any less tragic.

    • Difference IS that this is local news. Simple as that.monospaced
    • totally agree with the sentiment. got me thinking about how a backpack bomb causes a reported 140 + injuries in boston while...kingsteven
    • boston while 20 cars filled with explosives causes 31 deaths/ 200 reported injuries in iraq.kingsteven
    • ie. if an attack of this scale had happened in iraq it wouldn't have even made the papers.kingsteven
    • Plus attacks on US soil are rare comparatively speaking. You simply become desensitised to daily bombings in Mdl East
    • Difference is the U.S. isn't a warzone.ZOOP
  • GeorgesIV0

    laik dis if u cry evertim

    • Didn't think any runners were killed.BusterBoy
    • is he kissing her dismenbered head?
    • deatboy can't be bothered. please don't interput his dinnerTheBlueOne
    • whats a runner doing on the side walk?pango
    • This photo & story aren't accurate. I hate when dumb fucks do this via Twitter/Facebook.utopian
  • GeorgesIV0

    • I don't understand some peopleBeeswax
    • https://www.google.c…HAYZ1LLLA
    • dumb fucking americansutopian
    • If you share this - even if it's true - you're a moron. The fact it's false compounds your gullibility and rubber necking
    • @utiopian:every country has stupid people, no need to single one out.ZOOP
    • utopian* even lol shuddup =PZOOP
  • BusterBoy0

    Just my cynicism coming out...I would think the story doing the rounds 'A girl was running, and her boyfriend was at the finish line waiting to propose to her but she died' - I reckon that's bogus. I don't think any runners were killed? Unless she had already finished.

    And the one above with the little girl is completely bogus.

    • Why do you share what you "reckon" when you just sound like an ass?monospaced
    • I see what you're saying though. I apologize.monospaced
    • off course they are bogus
      who would even believe this shit, ooohh wait a min...
    • Dumb
    • theres a trend for people to say any shit to get likes and share. no wonder some people are so cynicalpango
  • ********

    let's also have a mn of silence for all the kids who were killed in afganistahn, Irak etc... etc...

    • not bogus
    • no, they were terrorist
  • benfal990

    whats terrible now is that no one claimed the bombing... and now iam afraid they have more attacks planned in upcoming events...

  • instrmntl0

    @benfall99 Agreed. It hit me last night that the person/s that did this are still out there somewhere. It's a terrifying thought.

    • yes :(benfal99
    • You wonder what they're doing at the moment, what they're feeling, etc. Like Se7en. Then you have to just notinstrmntl
    • Think about it because there's nothing you can do but let time catch up to them.instrmntl
    • They may have him in custody. Saudi national. FBI briefing soon.CygnusZero4
  • ********

    Our prayers go out to the victims