Help:Law Firm Boredom

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  • 21 Responses
  • d_rek0

    The images are.. whatever.

    What's more problematic is the god awful typesetting. Control those rags and cut those line lengths if you ever want anyone to ever read any of that nonsense.

    Address all of this:
    -Type heirarchy
    -Leading and wordspacing on the full-justified text
    -Rags, Gutters and Margins
    -Line length

    And the images... Well, It's a law firm. Why not just get some good headshots and maybe some interior / exterior photos of the practice? Those stock images look super-contrived.

    • thanks. I haven't worked on the typesetting yet. I'll address these.Beeswax
  • Beeswax

    I hate Law firms, let me say that first. I'm preparing a catalog for one.
    Every material that they have is washed with stock images and so boring. So I wanted to give a little flavor, I'd used historical monuments at first but they said it looks like a tourist guide now I changed the images to some stock images but gave them an oil paint effect. Now they said it looks like they have some artistic business.
    What do you think? Is it really not appropriate to use images like this for a law firm?
    What should I say to them?