WP Index page question

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  • mg33

    Working on a new project in Wordpress. I'd like to put up a simple splash page that has a logo and some simple information. I'll still be building and setting up the rest of the site.

    So... What's the best way to ensure that any traffic to the url goes to this landing page, but I am still able to access and edit the site without being redirected? I hope that makes sense; I want to work on and test the site unencumbered by any index.html redirect, and I don't want to change my robots.txt settings that are currently keeping the site from being crawled.

    Is the best way to create an index.html page and redirect to something like url.com/comingsoon.html? I don't want any site nav or anything showing, just a logo and info.


  • elahon0

    Use the WP Maintenance Mode plugin:


    All users who are not logged in will see a Coming Soon page (or whatever you want, it's customizable). You can either to go directly to yoursite.com/wp-admin to login, or I think there is a login link on the page. Works great!

    • +1 Use it a lot.webazoot
    • never used this...looks helpful thoughdbloc
    • Awesome, thank you!mg33
  • elahon0

    Plus this works great if you have to do maintenance down the road, or switch out a theme and configure it, etc.

  • dibec0
  • mg330

    One more question: On my server, I have a password applied to the entire directly on the url. Would I then just apply a password to everything EXCEPT the page used for the WP Maintenance Mode? Or, does using that plugin effectively lock down the whole site?

    • If I recall correctly, it locks down everything to the outside world.elahon
  • nocomply0

    I'm guessing if the password is applied to the entire directory, then it's going to block the index page as well.

    When I'm faced with the situation that you're in, I generally install WP in a subdirectory and then create a static HTML splash page in the root directory. Then when I'm ready to launch the site I delete the splash page files and move the WP installation into the root. It sounds tricky but actually it's pretty darn easy once you do it a couple of times.

    Check out http://codex.wordpress.org/Movin…, specially the section entitled "When Your Domain Name or URLs Change." There's a script that they link to in that article which you can run and it updates everything in your database for you. After that you just need to update 1 or 2 lines in the .htaccess file and then move all of the files over to the root.

    As others have mentioned there are probably plugins out there you can employ instead, but this is the way I've always done it because I don't like messing with plugins if I don't really need to.

    Good luck!

    • Thanks man! I'll take a look at this at home later tonight.mg33
    • No prob. Also, BACKUP!!!!nocomply
    • Every day. :) Using - and loving - Better WP Security.mg33