Design Credit ON Website?

Out of context: Reply #15

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  • 41 Responses
  • gramme0

    Our clients are contractually required to put a Metagramme credit in printed and interactive work, whether it's on the last page, in the footer, etc. Exceptions would be things like stationery where a design credit would actually hinder the design.

    • umm, no. maybe if this is a website constructed in 1999. also this would never be agreed upon by any corp. business.lvl_13
    • My clients have no problem with it.gramme
    • But hey, if you're not into it then don't do it. I'll keep doing my thing.gramme
    • Neither here nor there, but what large companies/firms have you done work for that allowed this?lvl_13
    • Sounds reasonable.Glitterati_Duane
    • @lvl_13 - large sites nearly always have a credits pagefadein11
    • Working on a very big website right now, as a matter of fact. Can't divulge until it's live, unfortunately.gramme

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