Shooting of the Day

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  • 2,776 Responses
  • omg-5

    • The hotel will have so much CCTV footage of whoever was responsible going into that room.Hayzilla
  • omg-9

    • fuck offBonSeff
    • Info Wars LOL

      The tin foil hat right wing inbreds are out in full force!
    • Sad thing is, so many will fall for this shit.BusterBoy
    • so there are multiple omg's out there
    • $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ for odious Jones and cohorts.fadein11
  • omg-5

    Mystery Woman Who Was With Vegas Shooter Has Finally Been Identified — And It's a Head-Turner…

  • eighteen-8

    Stopped caring after the Vegas shooting. I have no emotion left for shooting victims that I never knew and will probably be replaced by other victims in three months. Nor do I have any patience for the "debates" that comes out of the constant attacks that Americans make on their own people, leading to no change at all and further entrenching gun-nuts and anti-gun-nuts in their own opinions because it's 2018 and if you EVER admit you were wrong about something politically you're a fucking pussy.

    Aside from avoiding ever travelling to America in the future, this is an old, boring conversation that has no effect on my life. Keep shooting each other, whatever.

    • bummed out eighteen. it's a cool country if you just meet the people who are killing each other. lots to see. I need to make it up to your land at some point.capn_ron
    • aren't killing each other. damn auto correct.capn_ron
    • This is such an angsty point of view. Not having empathy for humans because you're painting them all with one of two political brushes?ben_
    • Are you sick of hearing about indigenous issues in Canada too, because "like no one seems to care"?ben_
    • dickwad.comfadein11
    • lol, fair play.set
  • CygnusZero4-6

    2 cops kill 2 black guys. first ive heard of this happening in quite a while. blacks kill blacks every minute in this country.

    BLM then raises hell about the cops, not the blacks. lmfao are these people even serious at all? no wonder everyone hates them. buncha morons

    • no wonder everyone hates them? that kind of thinking exactly the issue!monospaced
  • i_was-6

  • since1979-5

  • bliznutty-8

    i can hear more than one gun being fired

    • however it could be echosbliznutty
    • commence the conspiracy theories.inteliboy
    • Clear video evidence ?!? I don't know about that dude ... blurry, zoomed in footage with a blinking flare of light .. I could easily make that in After Effects.Ramanisky2
    • Also wouldn't that window on the 4th or fifth floor be shattered ???Ramanisky2
  • M01XXX-11

    • fucktard morons will blame anything before the actual reason: gunsmonospaced
    • Guns have always been available, wonder what triggered the boys in the last 20 yearsrobotron3k
    • lolmaquito
    • when we were kids we'd find porno mags everywhere, bushes, parks, trashcans...uncles stash - so it was just as accessible as today_niko
    • shoot into kleenexes, not schools.sarahfailin
    • Porn has always been available too, robo. Also, without guns there can't be gun violence. It's not complicated.monospaced
    • I mean, it's clear YOU watch a ton of porn robo. Obviously you're destined to be limited to porn for hte rest of your life, considering you hate women so much.monospaced
    • should we consider you homicidal, seeing as you don't get any puss, you are bigoted, misogynistic, and a white male? all signs say so, based on your dumb logicmonospaced
    • So the downvoters downvoting because they agree with the woman who says it's porn's fault? lolM01XXX
  • terry_cloth-11

    so some people can say whatever they feel like and others have to follow the rules? why do you mods even bother showing up, you guys are a joke

    • bae, what's wrong again?sted
    • Really? You gonna whine about this every thread?pango
    • Thanks for the insight Gilgamesh.Moderator
    • mods are
    • Von_Yuri_Cum_Cloth_J... for President!utopian
  • yurimon-10

    @ moldy, This is a great photo. no?

    pretty recent

    • What's your point?monospaced
    • ^good morning sunshine, hows your sunday?yurimon
    • better than yours apparently ;)monospaced
    • my sunday is great. drinking fresh coffee, living the dream.…yurimon
    • just wished my best friend on my favorite design blog a good morning. life is getting better.yurimon
    • Hunting down photos and posting them to vaguely start an argument with moldero actually. But okay.monospaced
    • there is a context. quiz, what is it?yurimon
    • 6 racist downvotes confirmed.yurimon
    • Yurinal being Yurinalutopian
    • racist how, yuri?monospaced
    • in that bottom one - is the one holding the sign at the same time giving birth to a new panther?detritus
  • yurimon-9

    • Ya man. Question your believe.pango
    • short attention span meme style videos, another one of Yurimons "reliable" news sources

      but hey, its not mainstream media!
    • I like how you were school in the states, yet cant critically think. what are your sources for your world view? please shareyurimon
  • brodster-11

    • LOL, Alex Fucking Jones ?!?
      infowars?!? GTFO.
    • lol get outta here with that infowars bsmoldero
    • Atifa has literature?pango
  • omg-13

    • https://media.giphy.…soundofreason
    • I think you can talk about both.ben_
    • also, he's dead. RIP.ben_
    • fuck you omg, even if this is the only sane thing you've posted. you're a troll.capn_ron
    • Thoughts and prayers futile american worthy in this instance. Get well soon herofadein11
    • looks like thoughts & prayers weren't enough to save him but those metallic projectiles of death sure did end him.Ramanisky2
  • deathboy-18

    issue has little to do with guns. there are crazy ppl you cant predict and just well writeoff as shrink as shit is gonna happen. but the case of el paso. a stupid young kid. why cant someone tell him his fear of culture shock and immigration is normal. Hes not even evil for feeling it. That shit changes, despite media wanting climate change to stay the same, and all the status quo, but anti status quo dialogue, shit changes and little we can do about it. But acknowledge the fear from it and not force it as black and white evil and good. It forces it into sides (a tool often used in political media). Gay kids are evil for thinking or feeling homo shit. Yet people who fear any basic racial feeling are scared to speak or talk about it out of fear of being labeled a racist. Which is absolutely human feeling and concern with our tribal nature, now has to hide it and let it fester and fear turns to resentment, and hatred and than with todays social media buzz as needed action to fill the vacuum, to do something. Our culture is the problem far more than a inert tool. Want to REALLY fix shit get rid of the political party game. Look at the human element. Understand it and question wether our current narrative of things like racism is working? Have we from a MSM point completely misunderstood it on political ad buys

    • This argument is ridiculous, and garbage.nb
    • And lazy.nb
    • what an appropriate usernamezaq
    • patheticmonospaced
    • Embarrassing.Ramanisky2
    • What. The. Fuck.
      Dude literally spelled out "Trump" with guns. Put down the skull bong and sober up.
    • nocapn_ron
    • Deathboy's more ignorable than robo - at least robo is concise.Nairn
    • His argument is that racism is natural, and it’s the status quo, and we have to accept it. Then blames the media? Fuck off.monospaced
    • Pride in your heritage does not mean hate for another's. How is that fucking complicated?BonSeff
    • This isn't remotely true anyway. Racists aren't feeling like they have to hide. They are more and more emboldened as politicians like Trump make racismyuekit
    • normal and acceptable. Go on YouTube, you will find channels with huge followings devoted to white identity politics and hate for immigrants.yuekit
    • If you read the guy's "manifesto", there isn't much original thinking there, it's just regurgitating stuff he read online. In fact you could even say the entireyuekit
    • killing was him showing off to the online far right community.yuekit
    • Get some help bro.ben_
    • haha. why do people feel more comfortable amongst similar superficial traits?deathboy
    • if you keep telling people to ignore normal feelings expect them to lash out more. psych 101. anthro 101. THINK about it.deathboy
    • hard not to suggest todays MSM rhetoric didn't justify in his eyes his actions. And yuekit racist is label not really a thing. fear is a thing.deathboy
    • fear has a fight or flight nature. and im very curious why people think trump is racist? Hes got a nationalistic sell and beats non-americans... but isdeathboy
    • their a hot pussy of some gender he wont grab? Doesn't strike me as the type. True racists who shape fear and build an identity around hate to deal with itdeathboy
    • are disgusted by anyone of appearance of their labeldeathboy
    • Seriously dude get some help. Here you are trying to justify the actions of a mass murderer, implying it's the media's fault somehow because they dared toyuekit
    • speak out against racism (as if that's a bad thing). Perhaps it's time for some self-reflection in terms of how you arrived at this point.yuekit
    • When your ramblings are coherent (which isn't often) they seem contrarian at best. Stirring the pot for the hell of it I guess or do actually believe this shit?ben_
    • im not trying to justify anything. im trying to understand. ME looking at base human fundamentals. YOU at it is a monster called hate and racism! And guns! evildeathboy
    • haha thank god i can still talk common sense without getting burned at the stake.deathboy
    • the way you react i think things will only become more common place. you reinforce it.deathboy
    • Is there any evidence at all for what you're saying? The guy wrote a lot about why he committed the killings. Nothing about being scared or ashamed to expressyuekit
    • himself, or intimidated by liberals. In fact he was happy and eager to express his racist views. So this is something you made up, not based in reality.yuekit
    • ... again... the idea of racism is derived of fear. fear unchecked and festered develops into new constructs. irrational hate is one. but to focus on the sympdeathboy
    • tom has little to do with the cause. what caused his racism yuekit? born with it like a gay gene? biological, cultural? what do you believe creates hate baseddeathboy
    • on something arbitrary as race? The kid is a dumb kid and clearly working out emotions and sad to say he fucked up and well probably gonna die for itdeathboy
    • but the nonsense that created this is only building. expect more unless people start talking common sense, but no one wants thatdeathboy
    • doesn't sell papers, is quite boring and doesn't feel like you are doing anything of significance.deathboy
    • and a bit insulted you think my view in ungrounded from reality. a made up view. ill accept it if you explain the cause of shooter with any reason at all. "hatedeathboy
    • " has absolutely 0 to do with motive, same as "racist" just terms with no meaning in the context of cause.deathboy
    • Your theory was that he felt ashamed of his racism and bullied by the liberal media, to the stop where he snapped and gunned down a bunch of Mexicans.yuekit
    • But there's no evidence for that at all. Can you name any? Seems much more likely that he was inspired by the far right, considering that he recited a bunch ofyuekit
    • their talking points.yuekit
    • my theory is a theory. no evidence since its not being examined. Your theory is fearless people jump on media bandwagons with no motivation and just act as dictdeathboy
    • ated... which theory is more believable?deathboy
    • you don't even acknowledge what would make someone listen to " the far right" why listen to them instead of anyone else... why not AOC? what aredeathboy
    • the obvious factors? are you really acknowledging his written reason has nothing to do with anything nor his situation?deathboy
    • and simply writing it off as racist hate? i know you are better than that one. or at least i thought you weredeathboy
    • Seems pretty obvious that he was a mentally disturbed individual who got influenced by right wing media and their hysterical views about immigration.yuekit
    • It's actually not unusual at all for unstable people to latch onto extreme views and conspiracy theories. I've seen it happen before to people in real life.yuekit
    • What's so unbelievable or difficult to understand about that? And why put quotes around far right, as if a far right nationalist anti-immigrant movementyuekit
    • doesn't actually exist? This trend of inventing alternative facts and justifications that let one side off the hook is getting a little old by now.yuekit
    • haha whos inventing alternative facts here? you seem to be saying yours are correct while mine are false.deathboy
    • have u ever felt xenophobia of a sort ukit? a fear liek sometimes looking over a cliff and getting vertigo. fear is an interesting thing.deathboy
    • on one hand it holds us back on another it actually increases survival rate. what the kid wrote about was based on fear.deathboy
    • somehting he felt. the problem is media especially on mediums liek youtube targetign kids is targeting emotiondeathboy
    • its nothing to do with politics but fear of change and changing cultures. as looking at how that is happening is a better use of time and resourcesdeathboy
    • Muslim Jihadists are also motivated by fear of changing culture, are you saying they have a point as well? Some fears are justified while others are irrational.yuekit
    • Your state or city getting a few percent more Hispanic isn't a rational fear. Realistically how is that going to impact your life at all?yuekit
    • yes jihadists are motivated by fear of changing culture. the fear they feal is the point. feel like im repeating myself... the fear they feel is natural.deathboy
    • as natural as gay feelings and it's not even irrational. poitn being people feel shit. you tell peopel theyre evil for feeling shit what do you expect the reactdeathboy
    • ion to be? to say ok? or build constructs in their heads against those telling them what they feel is wrong and theyre wrong. media may push narratives but ourdeathboy
    • is more to blame when it comes to dealing with such shit. media just fans flames already there. accept the difference and educate that you may fear but itsdeathboy
    • not wrong its natural. fear for x or y reasons adn your not bad for it. but a and b reasons is why there really is no fear necessary. educationdeathboy
    • I disagree. Take the example of someone radicalized by ISIS, you're saying it's normal for them to want to return to Mohammed era and build a caliphate?yuekit
    • It's natural to want to oppress women and start chopping heads? No, these ideas were planted in their head by extremist online media.yuekit
    • People like that are often alienated from society, failure in life etc...which makes them susceptible to extreme ideas that seem to offer an answer.yuekit
    • But that doesn't mean the ideas themselves are valid somehow. Look at the El Paso shooter, in his manifesto he recited a mish mash of random ideas that heyuekit
    • obviously got from various sites and YouTube channels. And I would say there is a lot of similarity between someone like him on the far right and an ISISyuekit
    • member in terms of the radicalization process.yuekit
  • deathboy-13

    to bring the anti gun ranters to reality...again...…

    personally me guns has little to do with any interest in this latest ent/political fiasco. im really looking forward to how media plays it and what doesn't get said. casino cameras no joke. Got booted from MB before, but i was staying there, and went back to hotel room afters hours at other places and got pinched going to hotel room. After talking with a less than over zealous security guard who tried (or just over did training) to break my arm and tested my patience, i got to spend the night with a permanent 86ing. also joked i was on site to do commercial work for them but went over their heads... TMI... but their cameras are awesome and having him from thursday on should help paint a narrative. Right now they have none whatsoever, which is weird. i think that is more important than any knee jerk reaction. Im really interested to see if real journalism is dead in this case because it seems like a good one.

    • first downvote against a pursuit of truth. or maybe someone didn't realize the multi directional post. a problematic failure of such systemsdeathboy
    • i still stand by such systems as spreading disinformation as a convenience to the lazy and such systems harm society. but benefit their media mastersdeathboy
    • but of course a whole different point from the post and this medium has no way to really organize or filter discussion and control it. creating a mass of noisedeathboy
    • tarzan goes to vegaskingsteven
    • i dont understand the statement king. feel free to explaindeathboy
    • that article makes it seem like better gun laws would be as shallow as saying "thoughts & prayers."dorf
    • well dorf im glad u understand the point. but i suspect a lack of comprehensiondeathboy
    • u seem to suggest they are wrong in saying there is barely any empirical difference between the twodeathboy