iOS6 and iPad1

Out of context: Reply #8

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  • autoflavour0

    do you know what tho.. at the moment, being poor is actually working for me..

    i dont know, working long hours and doing work that makes me feel like a sellout is not the solution.

    yes every month we run out of cash.. and yes, i have no idea how i am going to fix my camera, and yes it would be nice to be able to visit new york..

    but on the flip side i get to enjoy my time doing what i do.. i spend a lot of time with my family, i get to waste time talking to you idiots on qbn..

    Its not like I have am poor by accident.. it was a choice to live a more limited life..

    and to be honest, i dont really feel the word poor is an accurate representation. i have about 10k in music and video equiptment i would have to sell before i would feel comfortable calling myself poor.

    hell, there are 4 computers between 2 people in this flat, not including the ipad and iphones

    i think i just prioritize my spending differently

    sure i would love to go and drop 200 euro a new pair sneakers.. but at the same time, if i had 200 euro, i would probably put in a pile and go buy another L series lens or something.

    having no money sucks.. but having no time, that sucks way more.

    • but surprisingly, we never really argue over money or the lack thereof ..autoflavour
    • and when i say 4 computers, a 2012 macbook pro, 2011 macbook pro, 2010 27inch imac and a 2008 macbookautoflavour
    • i have no money, but i have tools to make it.autoflavour
    • working for other ppl kills the soul.ebertzjaw

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