QR codes

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  • i_monk0

    I had a client who wanted a QR code on her business card. For her email address.

    I talked her out of it.

  • i_monk0

    Call centre in Dijon.

  • BusterBoy0

    Unless you can just point your phone and have it scan automatically without needing to open a QR scanning app, it'll drift off into the distance with all the other fads.

  • cannonball19780

    The barriers to QR codes:

    1) I don't have a reader
    2) I have to download and install the reader
    3) Most QR codes give no explicit incentive
    4) All this while my attention span hasn't been used up
    5) Cost prohibitive on projects that can just as easily give a URL
    6) Less accessible to blind people than a URL
    7) Putting a QR code on your ad (or wherever you are putting it) piggybacks A) your own QR code impressions into your ad, and B) other prior brand impressions that have used QR codes carry over as well. If you engaged on on the back of a box of sugar cereal, you are going to think of sugar cereal when you see one on the Lexus ad that had one.

  • i_monk0

    I'm seeing a lot of articles claiming 2019 was going to be the year for QR codes thanks to readers being built into Apple and Android phones, but I can't find any data to back up claims that QR codes are now effective. "QR codes are huge in China" doesn't help me, and "now 18% of people in the Middle East have scanned a QR code" isn't a ringing endorsement either. Lots of promises and vague claims.

    I'm inclined to say they're still not worthwhile, but I've been asked to back that up.

    • If it was a default app, it would be more prevalent. Currently, it seems like you have to install some ad-ridden app that wants access to your contacts.section_014
    • I’ve only just started using them (as a consumer) because my phone just reads them and it’s easier than keying in a url.Gnash
    • I don’t see them that often, thoughGnash
    • I’ve used ones I’ve found on retail packaging to get details about the product. And from venues that launch directions when scannedGnash
    • the camera on android detect and reads qr codes automatically, pretty useful.lajj
    • ^In theory. Let's see some numbers about adoption and repeat use.i_monk
    • its very strange but i found that there IS a way to scan them in iOS but they dont really advertise it anywhere. I stumbled across it.mantrakid
    • Oh, its the camera app -- just point your camera at the QR code and away you go. The fact that no one knows it though is telling as to the popularity of QRcodesmantrakid
    • ^ If I had to DL an app I wouldn’t bother. It’s a bit of a no-brainer now.Gnash
    • Netgear has them in router setups for your phone wi-fi settings. People have had me use QR in ads & the stats gathered don't prove their worth.ayport
    • I keep meaning to buy some official-looking generic domain with QR in it, for public-display QR code hijackingNairn
    • I feel like QR codes were set to be the next big thing over 10 years ago... I don't known if they're ever going to be widely adopted at this point.monNom
    • Good for print-at-home event tickets... inventory management... Not sure what else.monNom
    • Good for tying a physical space to the digital without having to type shit in. If you think about it, there willl have to be *some* solution to this, somehow.Nairn