China: design a “national priority.”

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  • orpkoobcam20

    a designer sat in china won't be taking the job of a designer sat in london working with local clients. don't sweat it.

    i see a return to local in the future. we can't sustain a global market economy due to environmental issues.

  • utopian0

    China is a bunch of hacks and will always be hacks. Just check out their latest faux Apple & IKEA stores. Or one of their millions of other knock-off products and or American ideas.

  • little_kev0

    @fresnobob, you seem to have it down here. Original/lateral thought is not taught or encouraged in chinese education, in the main. This lack of free-thinking is deep-rooted and as one might look around for inspiration it might seem absent to the extent it seems only fabled. As support I offer this; link's 2yrs old but still pertinent, imho.

    This lack of an ability to think out side the blah blah is both common and comfy to the establishment. China traditionally adopts and replicates, it's might is in cheap labour. Yeah they gave us gunpowder but it's been quieter on the inventions front the last few centuries

  • detritus0

    I think it's unfair to demand an iconic piece of singularly Chinese design, be it product or graphic, given that the economy and culture by which we derive and judge such works is barely a decade old over there.

    Besides which, what hubris to put things in such singularly favourable terms and what utter balderdash to state that the US was somehow magically immediately a superpower! What of the 300 years gestation before, finally, surpassing the might of Mother England's imperium? China was an international superpower before the US and much of Europe was even a twinkle in imagination's eye, if you so passively dismiss Grand Time's depth, you're surely dooming your descendants an idiot's perspective.

    I'm sure some of the KnownKnown Yankee Pseuds in here are simply trolling, but by golly how keenly your words speak of a form of Empire crumbling, proclaimed by ignorance and fear, shouted loud and proud.

    The new world order is multi polar, and the better for it—the last 150 years of uni/bi/poly-polar world view were an aberation, which should be best gotten rid of with all the humility and empathy we can muster.

    We have a lot to learn and hopefully, so do they.

    • < Cider-fuelled Bullshit™detritus
    • you're entertained by the sound of your fingers typing the way girls like the sound of their own voice don't you?registe
    • Better than being entertained by sticking my fingers up ass, then smearing my own shit into my eyeballs, registe.detritus
    • YOU KNOW WE KNOW.detritus
    • WTFmydo
  • Dodecahedron0

    I agree with i_monk ^ . I think its more about economics and context of China's design and production industry rather than "cultural".

    • to compare/associate industrial prowess to individual expression seems triteregiste
    • not really commenting on 'prowess' so much as the nature of the industry itselfDodecahedron