Online Backup

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  • 47 Responses
  • ernexbcn0

    @nb where you see long-term sustainability I see lack of long-term foreseeing. Why they were offering unlimited backups for home and family computers if they ended up realising home customers were no longer profitable because they might have been offering unrealistic storage (unlimited) at their price tiers.

    So they decided to basically say screw you to loads of home customers and even suggested to move to another company called Carbonite which at the moment of Crashplan's announcement of ending the home accounts did not have any plan with unlimited storage.

    Many of the the people that used Crashplan at home recommended the service to other friends, I know I did. In my opinion, they should have stopped taking in new home customers but honor the ones they had until they decided to move to another service or cancel their accounts. All the people I know that were using Crashplan have migrated to other services.

  • ernexbcn0

    I'm recommending backblaze now, their personal backup for single computers. Once I get a NAS for home I'll switch from Backblaze clients on each computer to their B2 cloud plan that backs up the entire NAS (which the computers back up to)


    b2 cloud…

  • dbloc0

    So is Backblaze still the best bang for your buck? My Crashplan expires in 5 days.

  • nocomply0

    I just went through the whole "need to migrate away from Crashplan" thing.

    It sucked. I spent 4+ hours on researching, testing, and troubleshooting new solutions.

    At first I tried Carbonite, but for some reason it had extremely high CPU usage on my Mac. A Google search in this department reveals that I am not alone in this. I tried various troubleshooting techniques, but nothing worked. So I ditched Carbonite.

    Then I tried Backblaze. It worked pretty seamlessly, and there are no CPU usage problems. I've been on Backblaze for around 2 weeks now with no issues, except for the fact that I have 2TB to upload to the cloud, so it's going to take months to get back to where I was with Crashplan.

    Backblaze is $5/mo I believe. I've still got a couple of days left on their free trial, but I'm going to sign up.

    • awesome thanks ncdbloc
    • can you back up external drives attached to the computer, as well?Gnash
    • Yes, backblaze will back up externally connected HDsnocomply
    • cheersGnash
  • nocomply0

    So here's the other fucked up thing about this situation which I just found out.

    Because all of the cable companies are sinking their teeth in right now, I have a limit of 1024GB per month of data usage on my home ISP.

    Uploading all of my data is going to put me over the limit for several months.

    So now I'm stuck paying overage fees, or I can choose to pay an extra $30/mo for an additional 500GB of data.

    So the true cost of this Crashplan thing is going to be like $100 plus half a day of my time.

    I'm pissed.

    • Hmm that does suckdbloc
    • can you just pause it until next month and backup locally on a hard drive for a month?dbloc
    • or bring your computer to work and backup there : ) ..... unless you work from home.dbloc
    • I guess you can't send a discGnash
    • I didn't see an option to send Backblase a HD. I think it only works the other way around (they will send you a recovery HD)nocomply
    • I checked my data usage with my ISP and did live chat with them. In short, I think paying for 1 month of unlimited data usage will cover me.nocomply
    • And I'd rather do that then remember to start/stop it and do it piecemeal over the next couple of months.nocomply
    • I have a home office, and yes, it basically just sucks for this situation.nocomply
  • Bennn1

    I tried a few and I always come back to Dropbox.

    I've got 1Tb with Dropbox, its enough space for all my files. The only files I dont upload there are all the tv series and movies i Torrent, would take way too much space.

    Why I like Dropbox better than the rest?
    - syncing is just perfect all around the devices
    - files history saved my ass a few times
    - Dropbox is in every Apps, this is a well known service
    - I like having quick access to my files because they're synced locally on all the device i chose to sync.
    - Access everywhere all the time, quickly

    • dropbox isn't really a "back-up" though. great for syncing stuff that's in the dropbox fold and can fit on your computers HDGnash
    • can you sync multiple folders to dropbox?dbloc
    • ^ they all have to be in the dropbox folderGnash
    • and that folder needs to live on your computer, not an external.Gnash
    • and if you have another computer synced to the same account, then that folder will be identical on both. so you need to have that enough room on both drivesGnash
    • its perfect for laptop/desktop setup. same work files on both - always synced.Gnash
    • but as a pure "back-up" it's meh. I don't want everything in that folder on every machine I haveGnash
    • backblaze is back-up only -- of everything. Not for files you access regularly, like dropboxGnash
    • Gnash you just stated some false facts... let me correct you :Bennn
    • The Dropbox folder can be on an external driveBennn
    • You can choose wich folders you want to sync on any synced computer. For exemple, at work I dont sync all my files from home to keep some privacy on some files.Bennn
    • If you sync Dropbox on two computers, you have your files on Computer1, Computer2 AND in the Cloud... its 3 backup! So its a backup solution to me.Bennn
    • Again, you CAN chose wich folders to sync, you dont have to sync EVERYTHING Gnash, check it out! in the options.Bennn
    • Also, Dropbox take way less computer ressources than many other backup solution. For exemple, Amazon backup app makes the fans of my CPU go crazy when it syncBennn
    • it's a very, very bad idea to keep the dropbox on an external, is what i meant. you shouldn't do it.Gnash
    • "If the external drive is disconnected from the computer while Dropbox is running, there's a small—but real—chance that the app will start deleting files"Gnash
    • also "the Dropbox folder must be available when your computer boots and before the Dropbox desktop app starts"Gnash
    • there are too many places for it to go wrongGnash
    • I understand what you mean about the folder selection but they still need to live on one of the computers. i.e., I have 4 terabytes of archived work!Gnash
    • and 1.5 terrabytes of photos. I don't need them living on an active computerGnash
    • again, I love dropbox. use it everyday. The have a "selective sync" option that would solve some of the back-up issues but it's on a higher their plan - more $$Gnash
    • and BB is way cheaper for data storage than DBGnash
    • i seeBennn
  • Gnash0

    an FYI for those using dropbox on an external drive:

    "Services like Dropbox rely on access to shared documents in order to keep them in sync across all users. If the system can’t find the file because an external storage source has been disconnected while the application is running, that will be interpreted as the file being deleted. This is why our website warns users against placing the Dropbox folder and its files on external storage."