L.A. Noire

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  • 29 Responses
  • calculator0

    Looks like you're watching a B-Movie acted by crap 3D characters. So hammed up and 'lying' actors are too obvious.

  • e-pill0

    when i saw LA Noire preview the first time, what i saw was amazing visuals, what looked like advanced gameplay from GTA standards and then i saw the Rockstar logo.. and the only thing running in my mind, is that now i am a cop in Los Angeles at the coolest moment in their fashion history, and its a large open ended game with heavily stronger graphics...and i would get to live in LA in that time period and do my thang..

    it seems even though it has all the great visual and sotry telling mode.. it doesnt have that GTA game style.. which is basically what Rockstar does right?! ok they can make anything they wish, but they made a standard of a style of game that everyone else mimics.. here i thought it would be GTA LA NOIRE...

    i will sit back and let you guys play it.. review it, spoil it, and post about it.. then ill make my decision.. but right now, its a no.

  • aanderton0

    5 days of nothing planned. Going to work my way through this then start on minecraft.

    I'll be well disappointed if this is as short as people are making out,

  • BRNK0

    e-pill- I'm not sure it's fair to criticize Rockstar for your general under/misinformation about their game. L.A. Noir was never advertised as GTA: Noir. It's very much an adventure, revolving mostly around two non-action mechanics: Investigation and interrogation.
    In a lot of ways this feels like a proof concept for Team Bondi's facial capture tech... a really good, well made proof of concept. I feel like this is the first significant step out of the uncanny valley. L.A. Noir doesn't make it out of the valley, but it's the first thing I've seen that is making real strides in that direction.
    Overall, I think this is an interesting, if fairly niche entry in the Rockstar oeuvre. If you told me 5 years ago that Rockstar was going to make a 50 million dollar adventure game, I would have laughed... but here we are.

    • yes off course my naivete for that first moment as i posted above i was misinformed..bute-pill
    • i did the research on it and i was waiting for 1st reviews.. for what i want of it, its not there.e-pill
    • so i say to you, enjoy it, and then post about it, maybe you might change my mind..or not..e-pill
    • rockstar makes some of my all time fav games. i love their work and their detail. i want that.e-pill
    • come back to me after 2 weeks.
      see if you are pitching the same thing. thats wat i want.
    • Rockstar is associated to this in name only, this is a teambondi game,Bullitt
  • JerseyRaindog0

    First of all, the game does look amazing. Even my wife, who was on her laptop commented on how good the opening sequence was.
    I played it for 3 hours last night and I've already solved 4 of the 21 cases but I'm assuming that they get harder as you continue.
    It is massive at this stage and fully explorable and I think that might be expanded on later in the game as their were several roads under construction.
    The facial technology is something else and definitely moves gaming on a bit - it's not always obvious whether people are lying either so it's not too easy.
    I think I may already be bored... though as big as the GTA series it lacks something in comparison. Personally I think it takes itself very seriously and there's a definite lack of humour when you're just driving around and taking in the scenery. Every time a case starts and you have gather evidence I kind of think, here we go again... the evidence section is slow and dull and the musical interludes that are supposed to give you indications of evidence and when you are finished at a crime scene quite irritating. Clever, but irritating.
    And that's it so far. I will persevere but my first impression is that it's great looking, very clever, makes great use of technology and is ever so slighty dull.

  • autoflavour0

    looks cool, but yep, the advertising for this game her in Berlin is nuts, you would think its like the biggest movie ever made.. its on every billboard and poster thing i see

  • dasmeteor0

  • d_rek0

    I really enjoyed this game. It plays similarly to GTA but is much more linear in terms of plot and sandbox options. The investigations are very fun and I supremely enjoyed questioning and interrogations. Oh, and the shooter bits aren't half-bad either! Overall, it was a very cinematic, enjoyable experience.

    • < This. And basically don't buy it if you want 1940s GTA.MrT
  • MrT0

    I just finished it, completely agree @d-rek.

    Really well-paced, great attention to detail (Rockstar's deep pockets) and it didn't feel linear, despite being more so than GTA and others.

    I can't help feeling though that it's just more fun to be a criminal...