"Do The Math" by MS

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  • 59 Responses
  • benfal990

    Why the hell Apple isn't selling OSX in a box ready to install on ANY computer???

    • because it would be the end of Mac hardware sales.. Who would pay overpriced hardware when the only real argument for paying the premium is running the OSX right?Boz
    • paying the premium is running the OSX right?Boz
    • they're a hardware companyanimatedgif
  • Boz0


    I have zero issues using Windows 7 after I've used OSX for whole day.. Even though OSX is beautiful visually and UI wise with the attention to details.. Win7 is also beautiful, super fast, modern and very flexible OS.. Windows XP was a different story..but with W7 I really don't see that much difference.. if anything I do stuff in many cases much much faster on Windows 7 machine.

    The bottom line is.. if you can do nicely and intuitevly the work you need to do, without computer and OS getting in your way (which Windows 7 does today) but your hardware is more powerful, faster for less of a price..the only real argument for macs goes in regards to the design. And for some people OSX+Apple's hardware along with complete lock-in into the platform and using content and stuff only on their hardware for a much larger price than PC/Windows stuff is completely acceptible, and that's ok..

    If you like the design so much, and you don't care about megahertz and you don't need to customize or you know you will be buying everything Apple until the end and you just don't mind being told how things need to be by one company without any choice, totally go for it. I have no problem with that.

    But what I don't like, is this notion that Apple and it's users are spreading on how everything PC and Windows is crap.. I guess it just reeks of need to justify the pretty penny people have paid over the value of PC..

    It's just not true.. the hardware might not be designed as nicely as some Apple stuff but it's certainly not garbage and it costs only a fraction with even better performance. See Samsung 9 Series laptops. WIndows 7 is terrific and the problems with viruses and all that is completely gone.. You just do MS Security Essentials and you are done.. never have to worry and on top of that you have most of the software optimized for 64bit Windows and PC hardware. Not to mention huge range of choices of what you need or don't need in hardware terms.

    I don't know.. I guess that's one of the things that really annoys me greatly.

    One big advantage on PC laptops that Mac has and why my next laptop might be a mac again is because on a Mac I can run both without any issues.. on PC laptops you can install OSX hacked but it's not problem free but that's courtesy of Apple really.

    • it's too late or i'd suggest you buy me a beer this evening, handsomePonyBoy
    • dude.. just drive over to my house.. come on.. I'm here.. Carlos will be here too probably later.Boz
    • I have tons of beer in the fridge.. super cold.Boz
    • I'm old... my body can't handle going out past 10pm... ... and Carlos scares me anyway - he's always talking about scary shit...PonyBoy
    • ... anytime he IMs me.PonyBoy
    • LOL.. you gotta be kidding me man.. get your ass over here..Boz
    • I'll tell you and show you what I'm working on.Boz
    • *sigh... not tonight... ... not tonight... can't can't CAN'T! I've had 3 IPA's and I'm really not supposed to drink more than 1.PonyBoy
    • I'm a lil ponyDrunk 2 the momento is what I'm saying...oPonyBoy
    • haha.. Carlos broke up with girlfriend again.. so he's crashing on and off at my house, he's all vulnerable now hahaha..Boz
    • btw... can you lean on Mike a bit?... I need to get paid, damnit... ... just be like 'Hey Mike... you're kind of the...PonyBoy
    • ... slumlord of CD's and you need to get your act together and pay Kev." — BozPonyBoy
    • alright dude.. your call, though we could catch up.. And my beer is light Michelob low carb.. it's basically water :)Boz
    • shit.. call me dude.. let's chat on phone.Boz
    • eh... I'm seriously cooked for the day... I'm going to shower and bury my head for 8 hours... tooo tired :(PonyBoy
    • call me tomorrow about Mike stuff on cell.Boz
    • will do...
      ... and I look forward to that Michelob Light, friend :)
  • omg0

    I wonder what all the Zune owners did with all their savings of $20

  • omg0

  • akrok0

    just look at that fucking site. it's horrible.

  • akrok0

    i am pretty sure win7 will be found in 99cent stores soon.

    • grrrrrrrrrreat deal.akrok
    • just curious if you ever have used it?deathboy
    • i think its simply wether one has worked on either platform or working habits. i us eboth and i hate OSX. im jsut more productive in w7deathboy
    • productive in w7. then theres performance... how much of that makes me think im more productive. then price pointdeathboy
    • in the end its a tool. looks are secondary to performance. i jsut want to be the best at doing my job then lookign prettydeathboy
    • pretty. which also makes me think ppl only argue becuase they are uninformed or have assuming bs perspectivesdeathboy
    • deathboy, i am not argue that mac is better. i am just saying that microsoft don't have a high brand value.akrok
    • oh and the whole hardware/os how it was bought. ive never had a pc bought at a store. but goddamn they suck with bloatware.deathboy
    • bloatware. clean install is all the difference. id choose osx over a preinstalled systemdeathboy
    • ah. gotcha theyre definitly not dolce gabana of computersdeathboy
    • i know. :-)akrok
    • more the denim and let peopel do what they want with it. soemtimes awesome sometimes notdeathboy
    • as long your happy. that's good.akrok
    • im happy and the big one, i perform better. why buy some oen a win7 machine if they only bitch and moan and dont perform. cost could be moredeathboy
    • perform the cost could be more in long run then apple premiumdeathboy
    • happy cinco the mayo!akrok
    • ah yes arribba!!!deathboy
  • inteliboy0

    People make purchasing decisions every day that has nothing to do with price - but say the taste of the coffee, or the colour of the paint job, the quality of the build, maybe they grew up with that brand etc...

    But when it comes to computers, there is this flock of hacker nerds that just can't fathom this idea (see Boz).

    • branding 101.akrok
    • yup - but even say with building a house... the tiles you choose and shit like that. it's what we do...inteliboy
    • you just proved a point why PC is better.. if you drew the same line with your house and tiles.. in Apple world , all houses and tiles would look the same. Sterile and made so anything you do around the house, or you need to upgrade to serve you better, you have to go and pay the builder every time.Boz
    • and tiles would look the same. Sterile and made so anything you do around the house, or you need to upgrade to serve you better, you have to go and pay the builder every time.Boz
    • you better, you have to go and pay the builder every time.Boz
    • waat?inteliboy
  • benfal990

    I was on Mac for the last 8 years. I switched back to PC 3 months ago. The reason is simple, I didnt have the 5,000$ needed to buy the Mac Pro I wanted... Instead I got a PC for 2,000$ wich is faster than the 5,000$ Mac Pro... A bomb with 18Gb of RAM and shit. I never worked with a computer as fast as this one in my life.
    And like I said in another thread, Windows7 or OSX is a detail... We're using the exact same tool on Mac and PC... All the Adobe products, Firefox, Chrome, Office etc. are the exact same software on both platform.... And the web is the same web on Mac and PC.
    I have no preference, I like Windows and I like Macs. Seriously its just tools, its what you build with it that matter.

    • i am curious how long you pc will last though.akrok
    • keep us posted. :-)akrok
    • the same as any Mac really... maybe even longer because he can replace more parts by himself and upgrade machine without buying new ones, without paying some stupid Apple Care racquet in the process.Boz
    • instead of having to buy a new one and avoid Apple's Care racquet if anything goes bad.Boz
    • your right on it! mac vs pc is BS, were all adobe users reallyThelonious_Funk
    • my old pc's have lasted until i upgraded... i gave away my old one that had specs equivalent to my 2010 mbpdeathboy
    • of course i gave it away to a buddy when processor/mb kicked, replaced for 150 and sent to a friend treating myself to new techdeathboy
    • to new techdeathboy
    • my others are now make up my tv stand becuase tech just outdateddeathboy
    • and btw benfal, I guarantee you that Adobe stuff runs a few times better than it does on OSX due to specific Windows optimizationsBoz
    • optimizationsBoz
    • Exactlypillhead
  • ukit0

    I have OSX and Win7 in front of me everyday (only got two machines at my workstation, unlike Boz:) and I gotta say...still vastly prefer OSX. Yes Windows based machines may give you more bang for buck but it's not like OSX can't do all the shit I need it to. This isn't 1996 where you'd sit waiting for five minutes for Photoshop to start up. There is a such thing as a point of diminishing returns and for most people it makes the performance issue irrelevant.

    As far as interface goes, OSX is far and away better in my book. More intuitive to flip between applications. I much prefer the visual icons in the dock to the Windows approach. Also I've always found the file structure Windows attempts to impose on you clunky and annoying. The whole Users > My Documents bullshit.

    • im glad i have an opposite viewpoint of this so i can be happier on cheap powerful machinesdeathboy
    • but whatever works for the person. its all about how you perform with your setupdeathboy
    • but you need a sataIII drive. sweet!!!deathboy
    • but my mobo only has a marvell controller and i cant get a vertex3... but still what gainsdeathboy
    • I have 2 machines only as well.. a PC i7 and a Mac Pro.. not sure what's different.Boz
    • haha in that pic it looked like about 10, maybe I'm wrong though:)ukit
    • ah.. monitors.. I always worked with 3 monitors..so when I upgraded I kept the other 3 on a PC..that's why it feels like 6 computers I guess.Boz
    • computers I guess.Boz
    • I don't get the 'more intuitive to flip between applications' - 7 has a dock, and alt+tab. How is OSX better?orrinward
  • akrok0

  • slappy0

  • BusterBoy0

    I like Turtles...

  • jimbojones0

    mac vs pc
    firefox vs safari
    iphone vs android
    AI vs FH
    All the holy wars were made up so socially awkward geeks could have some smalltalk too

  • akrok0

    • < click on it. MAKE IT BIG!akrok
    • pfft, lets not bring facts into this discussion.slappy
    • bottom line: everyone likes mcdonald's fries, but peecees throw no partiesjimbojones
    • haakrok
  • pressplay0

  • rizm0

    Apart from anything else:
    Can anyone here show me one single "PC" that is a well designed as a random Mac? This applies to both software and hardware.
    And I don't mean just a beautiful case, but actual proper design. Both internally and external.

  • orrinward0

    I like the Adamo.

    • Nice for a pc, but nah. Not quite there IMO.rizm
  • pillhead0

    hahahaha, Microsoft good point.

  • ernexbcn0

    Funny how while OS X is still the minority of the PC market gets so much attention from MS.

  • ian0

    ooohh take that apple!

    For fucks sake. They are both just fucking computers.

    Hey I'm a Audi. And I'm a BWM. No, you're just a cunt who drives. Get over that shit and move on.