ADVICE:Motion work in Sydney?

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  • 6 Responses
  • whereRI0


    i know its good to show clients, hell a large portion of my reel is logo endings. Im not sayin i know everything here just what i thought could go is:

    (from vimeo link )

    movie feast and laughinf stock bits at 15sec

    you have the stone key thing in twice, id take away the second one.

    same with aeroplanes, only need to see that once

    id trim a bit off the terminator stuff ( maybe off the seeing is believing)

    maybe do a bit of editing/remapping on that wooden box thing, so its not so long, nice movement on it tho

    id whack the nike stuff way closer up front, a lot of people might not sit through an entire reel.

    anyway, just my 2 cents, i love your line work and sense of motion.
    I hate cutting reels, in fact i havent made a new one for 2 years now cause i cant face doing it anymore. so congrats on making a nice one, for me, those little tweaks could make it bit more impressive

  • infields0

    Hey here is the vimeo link,
    Dam slow hosting.

    Anyway, thanks heaps for the feedback! Always up for freelance gigs if you have them tOki. Cheers.

    I guess I'll just do the old fashioned leg work and start wading into google with some generic search terms. Actually theloop seemed to be a pretty good list of the various studios.

    Hey 'wherei' , curious which jobs you thought were the commercial ones I should trim down?

  • Hombre_Lobo0

    im on my way to 262 Devonshire St.
    you can show me how you made the epic shizz in your reel!

    really like the reel dude, good luck finding work.

    sydney/brisbane motion designer, you're living my dream, you bastard.

  • whereRI0

    you have some very nice work, i must say i do prefer your more personal stuff as apposed to the client stuff. but i guess thats the usual. Id maybe trim a bit of the fat of the client stuff off the reel and focus more on your very nicely designed personal work.

    i know mtv sydney was looking for a motion guy a while back, not sure about that anymore.

    try here too…

  • broxybluenose0

    Nice Reel

  • tOki0

    Nice. I'm sure you'll find a role if there is one to be found. I can't speak for motion design at a high level as it's not my area of expertise but I'd say Sydney is the place to be in Australia. It seems to be where most of the large production work goes on for films, including a large amount of agencies being there. I work in interactive and would love to have someone of your talents on our team in Brisbane, unfortunately we simply don't do enough of that kind of work :(

    Anyway I'll remember you should we have any freelance to pimp out!

    • the video did load awfully slow here btw. maybe upload to vimeotOki
  • infields

    Just Moved to Sydney. And after about 8 years or so with print agencies I'm starting down the motion graphics path.

    Has anyone had any experience in this area in Sydney? Is there much work about. Any good companies?

    Basically, will I be on the streetside with some cardboard and a marker pen or sitting cosily behind mac in 2 months time?

    Here is my reel if you're interested...

    Thanks for the input!