Overwriting WP site?

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  • 2 Responses
  • spot130

    Wordpress.com or open source Wordpress.org? if it's wordpress.com, it's a hosted system and you can just export the content. If it's the open source version you can copy the database.

    All the html and look and feel stuff is in the Themes directory: wp-content/themes/

  • GeorgesII0

    make a database backup (you can use the wordpress backup add-on)
    download everything you find on the server
    trash evertything after you saved the files,
    reupload your new work
    or create a new folder on the server es: etc/oldsite
    puty everything you see on the root , inside it
    relink every link via the phpadmin and inside the wordpress permalink thingy (sorry I forgot the way it is called, look it up in the codex)
    upload new site on the root,
    so you kept both sites alive

  • stoplying

    I have a client who has a wordpress site, and he has requested a simple HTML site.
    I'm a noob with WP, and am confused...:(
    Does wordpress act as a host for the current site?
    How can I overwrite the old files on the server with the new site? I am not seeing any index.html page.
    My client does not have any answers about this stuff either which makes it even better.