Nice, recent world map?

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  • Projectile

    I'm making a world map (yes, another one...but I've seen loads madee by designers and never seen anything close to what I want)

    But the only source of up-to-date country info is google maps. But in Indonesia, for example, I can't even tell which country is bloody which! And the whole Israel/Jordan area is a little fuzzy too. There's too much bloody information there!! (hence my wanting to make a nicer one) And this is to name but a few, I haven't even gotten to Europe or the Americas!

    So does anyone know where I can find a nice, clearly labelled, colour-coded world map to get the info from? oh and one that's less than 2 years old, too.

    Crit to come...

  • uan0
    • nice!!!! just what I need, separates everything nicely and a reliable source!Projectile