PS3 and HDMI 1080p connection

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  • ok_not_ok0

    See if this helps.

  • Ramanisky2

    so I have a full HD Samsung 1080p LED TV
    and I have monster HDMI cables for my DVR and my PS3.

    When I go to Video Settings on my PS3 I have 4 options 480, 720, 1080i and 1080p. 1080i works just fine and the picture looks great. However when I put it on 1080p .. the screen has these little white 1pixel dots that blink on and off like little particles and then the picture goes to black then snowy then back to the setup screen then back to black and it does this over & over and keeps getting progressively worse to the point where its hard to switch back to 1080i

    I've been to other message boards and others have a similar problem but no one has any real answers.

    the best answer I've seen is possibly getting PS3 specific HDMI cables which I didn't know they made.

    Have any of you QBN'rs encountered this issue?
    if so, what the solution?